New skin, but not a new soul

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Tyler's skin felt like it was on fire. His bones were quivering within him, his flesh jiggling in a way that felt like it was being torn off, and his fingers were cracking and snapping, despite him not moving a muscle. He tried to scream, but all that came out was a small whimper of pain.

He opened his eyes, and through his red vision he saw a flicker of light, a person.

The person was in darker clothes, and Tyler's vision was dark and he felt a bit crazed. "Wednesday?"

He dragged his feet towards the figure and wrapped his arms around them. The were cold, like Wednesday was.

Burying his head in their shoulder, he felt tears streaming down his face as another session of pain ripped across his body. Okay, now his skin had to be seared off.

Whom he thought was Wednesday stiffened and hesitantly patted his back. He raised an eyebrow through the pain. Wednesday hated affection, and probably Tyler ...why would she?

The pain stopped, and Tyler collapsed to the floor.

[Wednesday POV]

Growling to herself, Wednesday tapped her fingers against Headmistress Gordon's desk, with a daunting expression.

She knew she shouldn't be in trouble. All she had done was rip a few chunks of Yoko's hair out, which was lenient compared to the punishment of thievery in previous centuries.

But school was vacuous in their own ideas of unbiased punishments.

Yoko was probably going to get off with nothing, while Wednesday had to be punished for doing the school's job for them. Thievery was apparently not tolerated at Nevermore, so why was Wednesday here?

Grumbling again with her thoughts, finally the office door opened, to which Wednesday turned around and was met with a startling but relievable sight.

"Principal Weems?"

Larissa Weem's face smiled back at her.  "Wednesday, I'm disappointed to see you here."

Her long legs took her over to her replacement's desk and chair. She made herself at home, and propped herself in the chair, and folded her hands as she faced Wednesday.

Wednesday arched a brow, her mouth quirking up in the slightest way. She had to admit she was glad to see her principal again. "Why so? I thought you'd be happy to see me here. I'm not dead."

Larissa chuckled, and intertwined her gloved fingers. "Neither am I," She laughed, gazing at Wednesday. "Must be quite a shock, hm?"

Wednesday shrugged. "Not really, I knew that puny, wretched, backstabbing Laurel couldn't really kill you."

Larissa's eye twitched. She stiffened. "Well I'm sure she could have. Thank the heavens I left their safely."

Wednesday scoffed. "Whatever you say, though the heavens did you no favors, Miss," She glanced around. "So where's that insufferable other woman?"

Larissa looked confused. "Other...woman?" She pursed her lips. "Oh! You mean Ms. Gordon?"

Wednesday rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I don't bother to learn the names of those who annoy me. I'm not good with names."

Larissa smirked, and leaned forward. "Well she's.....on a long, relaxing, vacation."

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Okay? Did I ask for an insight on her rendezvous activities?"

Larissa chuckled. "Darling, you'd better stay out of trouble, I'll let you slide with a warning since I'm freshly back, but don't think I won't lay down a stern fist when neccessary."

Wednesday rose from her seat. "Of course, good day," She said in monotone.

After exiting the office, she came to the sudden conclusion. That was not Larissa Weems.

[Hi!! Please vote! Sorry it's so short my semester just started back up, but  here you go! I'll add a part two later tonight! Stay safe!]

"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now