A stolen past

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Laying down, beside a deceased body, Xavier felt dead. Screams escaped his mouth that he couldn't control, and his whole body felt cold like ice. He even smelled like death, if that was possible. He smelt like burnt ashes and lotion.

Then, out of the dark, the heavens opened, and there she was. Though she didn't look like your average angel. She didn't look bothered that Xavier had just been relaxing in a coffin.

How could he possibly thank her enough?

[End of flashback]

Xavier Thorpe watched as Wednesday Addams waltzed through the Nevermore courtyard.

He felt bitter. Bitter and angry. He had thought, after all he had done for her, she would at least return the stupid feelings he had towards her. He thought she had given him signals, that they were closer, that they had history. That they were at least friends. But of course, Wednesday Addams didn't make room for friends, he convinced himself. But ate his words when he saw Y/n and Enid straying close behind the gothic girl.

At least Tyler wasn't a problem. Nothing could possibly get in the way of him and Wednesday now, right?

He felt a tap on his shoulder. He flipped around to see a dull-faced Bianca. Her siren eyes looked at him annoyed, and handed him an envelope. He took it, with questions in his eyes. He looked down and realized it was an invitation. Did he read it wrong? He assumed after the Raven, they weren't talking. Had Bianca decided to stop acting so ridiculous??

"Um, thanks?"

Bianca sniffed. "Don't thank me. It was my parent's idea," She muttered. "Just be there, or whatever. I don't care."

She looked away from him, and he glared. "Thanks." He snapped, and tucked the envelope away. She seemed to just be standing there, until she realized she could leave. Guess it was too much to think she had stopped being ridiculous.

[Bianca POV]

I am not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.

Bianca was sick of Xavier, truly. He hadn't even apologized for how he treated her, she felt like a pawn. He was acting like she was ridiculous for having feelings. But what was really ridiculous was the fact that she still cared how he felt about her. Since the Raven, she had hardly spoken to the boy unless forced to, and she didn't plan to start now.

But now her parents had insisted she be forced to sit around and play pretend at a dinner party while her father took notes on all her classmates.

She scoffed, and started to walk faster.

[Tyler POV]

A bus, I need to find a bus. The boy's head was raging against him as he went over his plan for escaping Jericho.

Maybe if he left, there would be no problem. That's wishful thinking. He couldn't turn himself in, he would just escape again when he lost control. And any place near civilization was just a murder waiting to happen.

Honestly, he just wanted his hyde gone, but he had no idea how he was controlling it, or why he was so urged to transform now, or how exactly Marilyn was controlling him now when she was far away somewhere. He had to find her, and maybe earn redemption for his alter ego's dirty deeds. But how to find her....

[Onlooker POV]

Marilyn cackled as the ring of Crackstone absorbed the power of Larissa Weems. With the loss of her ability, the principal withered onto the floor.

Marilyn tested out her new power as the ring glowed to a stop. She thought of the only person in front of her, and her skin morphed into the familiar fair-haired tall woman she had just stolen from.

She grinned madly. "Now, for a trip to Nevermore. I'd love to see my students again."

The mysterious figure hid in the shadows. Their eyes lurked everywhere, and captured every movement. Their camera helped too.

Wednesday Addams may not have anything to hide, but the stalker planned on stopping her from revealing what they were hiding. Her inspection was coming to close to the truth.

Some secrets at Nevermore need to stay secrets...

(I genuinely hate Xavier with reason, but here he is. I love the dynamic between him and Bianca and their history, therefore I'm making him a more redeemable love interest for her. Because Bianca deserves great things)

&quot;I am the monster&quot; -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now