Help comes in toxic forms part 2

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[Tyler Galpin POV]

He was in. He was within the walls of Nevermore.

He slinked through the bottom of the school, catacombs no one had bothered to acknowledge. The monster inside of him was there, begging him to let it out. But the idea of little kids, even outcasts having no idea he was here and him wrecking havoc was too much to bear.

He felt a tugging in his stomach, an anger that wasn't his. A voice that wasn't the hyde whispered, 'Come to me' in  an eerie voice.

The voice felt familiar, and he was drawn to it in a submissive way, but he brushed it off. It had almost reminded him of Marilyn's voice, when it had roamed his thoughts freely.

Previously down on all fours in a very impolite manner, he straightened himself, and brushed off his jeans that he had found at a homeless shelter before his short-cutted bus ride.

Looking around, the catacombs were well maintained, like some janitor came down weekly and dusted all the artifacts down here. There were many rooms that Tyler could've explored, with dim lanterns leading the way, but instead he looked for a way up, to the main floor, hoping to find the new Headmistress, and maybe...convince her to let him attend. Yes, he did mean threaten her, he was a horrible person. But the monster in him was egging him on, convincing him it was for the greater good.

The outcasted boy found a staircase curling up from a library, a library he momentarily browsed through, finding nothing of interest. Let them keep their secrets. I'm here for something else. A diary.

Wednesday had found put about Tyler and what he was from the diary, but what if there was more to being a hyde? A cure maybe? Or was that too hopeful?

But if Tyler could find it here, he could find Marilyn, and find out what her ring did. But how would he avoid Wednesday? Or... anyone else who knew him??

Tyler thought maybe he could find something to help him, or maybe someone.

[Time skip]

The Auburn-haired boy crept from the secret entrance to the catacombs, his eyes alert and aware of every student's heartbeat in range. At least he hoped he was. He prayed to whatever gods were above that Wednesday wouldn't catch him, not that he was afraid of her or anything..

Okay he was a little afraid of her. But mainly afraid of seeing her,....and figuring out what to say....and confronting his problems that hadn't been resolved, just shoved down in order to never see the light of day. Wednesday just....she complicated things. Tyler was only supposed to get her to trust him....not, fall for her. Or whatever crazy feelings he had for her.

He shook his thoughts out of an emotional frenzy. He had to focus. Scanning around the hall, he locked his eyes on a stout humanoid leaning awkwardly against a wall with their nose in a book. They looked shoved into a social area, almost like they didn't want to be there. The monster in him tumbled out with guffawing laughter. Target acquired. Tyler swatted at his head.

He tried as casually as possible to walk over, in his plain attire, hoping not to draw attention. Sensing someone near them, the figure looked up, and Tyler was met with startling e/c eyes.

Tyler faltered, but cleared his throat and gave a stiff wave. Why am I so self conscious?

The person seemed to be scanning his every move, like the heaves of his chest, and the way his fingers twitched. It was making him feel suspicious of himself. After seeming not very satisfied in their observations, they tilted their head up again. "Can I help you?"

Tyler paused at the question. Could they? They looked pretty lonely in their little reading nook over here...

Tyler jerked out a hand. "I'm Tyler."

Surprised by the sudden formality, the person hesitated before shakily grasping his hand, and giving it a halfhearted shake.

"Y/n," They murmured. Y/n scanned Tyler again. " go here?" They asked slowly.

Tyler almost slapped himself. Of course they would ask. His mind grasped for a story.

"Uh..." He glanced down. "I'm new. I just transferred. I havent gotten my uniform yet." He hoped his lie was convincing enough.

But they looked skeptical. "Well I'm relatively new as well. Welcome..I suppose. Uh, usually they give them out firsthand. I suppose there's maybe a shortage?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at him.

Tyler nodded rapidly, bobbing his head. "Yes, yes, yes." He felt a droplet of sweat run down his forehead. "So-" He started, but was interrupted by a sudden squeak of an outburst from them.

They shook their now raised hands. "Okay! What are you so terrified of?!!!" They gasped out, and Tyler was taken aback.


Y/n crossed their arms across their chest, looking away, and also a bit annoyed. "I'm an empath. I can tell that you're scared of something."

Tyler was so confused. "Wait...." He tried to recall the meaning of empathy.
"So you can like sense my emotions?"

Y/n threw up their hands, a bit exasperated. "Yes!" Their hands shook with every word and they looked tense. "Now why are you so...nervous?"

Tyler tried to chuckle it off. "Well I mean, being a new student and all, well it's-"

Y/n cut him off. They locked eyes with him, their e/c irises suddenly vicious. "Don't lie to me," They snapped, and seemed to be looking around for someone. When they obviously didn't succeed, they flickered their gaze back to him. "Why are you here? Are you some....spy?" They lowered their tone, still speaking in outbursts. "Is this about my mum?"

Tyler didn't know what to say, so he started walking away.

Don't ask me why, his feet just started moving on their own. Y/n, shocked, faltered slightly before following him in a confused haze. "Hey!" They snapped in a low hiss that was only audible to him due to his hyde hearing. "Come back here!" They shuffled behind, trying to catch up, while also avoiding any unnecessary brushing past others.

Tyler's shoes clacked against the floor, as he neared his body's apparent location. His palm clawed at the door of the catacombs entrance until it opened, and he was catapulted inside. Y/n gasped, and ran up after him, but before they could scream, they were sucked in too.

[Sorry for the lack of update, I've been nursing a sore throat and just had no motivation for crap, but prepare for an update tomorrow!!]

"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now