Dont drink or you'll get ptsd

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[Nevermind!! You lovely people get an update right now!! I don't know if you care, but whatever. I am in the mood to write.]

Y/n's mind felt fuzzy, like someone had popped a balloon in their skull. A little murmuring voice whispered, 'the glass, the glass' on repeat in their brain. They looked at the goblet in front of them, which was filled to the brim in red liquid. They shakily scooted it away from them. They glanced at the keeper of the house. "May I use the- the lou?"

The siren girl's mother answered. "Absolutely. No need to ask," She pointed a sea foam green nail at the hall on the left west of the living room. "Right down that hall. Third door on the right."

Y/n murmured a hasty thank you, and slipped away.

Maybe it was selfish not to warn their 'friends' about their shaky feelings towards the drink they were ALSO drinking, but hearing voices wasn't exactly something they wanted to broadcast.

[Wednesday's POV]

The malice in Alastair's eyes was hard to ignore. Wednesday had a sneaking suspicion he was up to something.

Xavier looked sickly at now being placed with no barrier beside Bianca. Bianca looked equally, if not more repulsed, at the shoulder-haired boy next to her. Enid sipped her blood-red beverage without question, but the satisfied expression the siren's father had on those goblets made Wednesday hesitant. That is, until the wretched man made a point to ask her about her lack of thirst.

"Wednesday, is it?" His dark eyes shone milk chocolate under the chandelier lights. "Not parched at all?"

Wednesday sniffed. "I don't drink beverages with high levels of fruity flavor. Makes my stomach curdle." Xavier gave an eyeroll at her, which was not unnoticed. Wednesday bared her teeth at the Seer boy.

Instead of being offended, like Wednesday would have liked the creepy male to be, he instead chuckled heartily and inched it closer to her. "No fruit was used it this, sweetie."

Wednesday narrowed her eyes, about ready to leave this joint. Enid was glaring at her, as if she was the one ruining the event. "Don't. Call. Me. That. And if it's so appetizing, as you say, why don't you take a sip?"

Bianca's mother looked highly offended, and glanced at Bianca. "Really? Do you associate with such low-classed Neanderthals?" The woman whispered in a not very quiet voice.

Bianca gave a cat-eyed look at Wednesday, then at her mother. "You asked for all my classmates."

"I meant civil ones." She hissed at her daughter. They seemed to be waiting for some sort of bomb to erupt with the man of the household, but no fireworks came. The man merely smiled.

He brought his goblet to his lips. "Of course, I always drink with my beloved guests." Then he took a big gulp of the liquid. When finished, he licked his full lips, and gave a hungry look to Wednesday.

"So, what are you interested in, dear?"

"Don't call me that." She repeated, not wanting to answer, but Enid was taunting her from across the table. Xavier looked extremely disturbed, and Y/n the empath had not yet returned from their restroom trip. Bianca's huddle of buddies was whispered while sipping their goblets. "But a lot of things."

"Like?" He pegged on, very intensively.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, and murmured, "Not to be rude ...actually yes to be rude, I don't know you enough at all to converse with you at all. You've been lucky to get a word out of me."

She took the napkin from her lap and tossed it onto the table. She bowed halfheartedly. She glared. "Thank you for smothering me with hospitality."


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