Help comes in toxic forms pt 1

445 19 3

[Wednesday POV]

Wednesday's eyes flickered across every golden shimmering party decoration that Bianca's household adorned. There were banners, hats, and many other excruciatingly brightly shaded things. It made a sickly feeling sink into Wednesday's stomach, which made her want to puke all over her collared dress.

Lots of people used to like to ignore Wednesday's existence, so she only had learned to return the favor. She felt Xavier's eyes on her profile but didn't spare him a glance. She was facing Enid, the one thing keeping her at this party.

The frail looking Y/n was awkwardly planted between Xavier and Bianca, who they had merely just been introduced to seconds ago.

Wednesday could assume why the empath looked so queasy. The tension in the room was thick enough to slice with a blade.

Unfortunately, Bianca's parents entered, and with her mother appeared a tall dark man with eyes the color of coal. His eyes trailed across his company, and stopped when he landed on Wednesday. She held his intrusive and peculiar gaze until he stopped. They always did.

"Hello," The towering man greeted the guests in the room. Their house was large, with chandeliers present in every corner, and fairy lights hanging from every possible height.

Enid was looking around with glossy eyes. "Wowza. Do you really live here?" She asked Bianca with a look of amusement and wonder.

Before Bianca could reply with a shake of her head, the bulking dark-skinned man beat her to it. He gave out a booming laugh worthy of the hall of Zeus, the Lord of The Sky. He waved a large hand. Bianca's mother gave a mere chuckle beside him, her eyes never faltering in being glued to Xavier, who was obviously making an effort to avoid eye contact with anyone. Why he was here, Wednesday didn't have the foggiest notion. But all he did was dim the light of the room. So did Wednesday, but that was just one of her best qualities.

"Please, you make me laugh. This is temporary for us. We would never pride ourselves in permanently residing in Jericho," His eyes glazed the table with an even expression, Bianca and the other Society members looked timid. Y/n looked miserable. His eyes finally landed on Wednesday. "Besides, I hear Jericho is having a little.... monster problem."

Enid giggled, and every eye turned to stare at her. She was obviously oblivious to the tension in the room between the guests and the siren hosts, and whatever Bianca's dad was. Was he a siren? His eyes didn't match up. Wednesday gave a soft glare to Enid. Soft meaning not deadly enough to pierce her eyes for eternity and make her want to jump into a pit and achieve eternal death.

Enid was still oblivious. She was humming a soft tune in the back of her throat. She finally saw the cake in Bianca's mother's hands. Enid's everlasting sunshine was one of the traits Wednesday found most irritable, but also endearing, as in Wednesday could test the limits of her temper.

The broad man seemed to mystically make room for himself in a curving chair with seahorses dancing on the artistry on the head. Bianca's mother flipped a lock of her dark hair, and sat down beside Wednesday, to the girl's ever distaste.

Wednesday was about to ask her to move in a very impolite manner, but the rude woman spoke before her.

"Darling Xavier, why don't you sit by Bianca?"

Xavier's face was the equivalent of a puffer fish in deep water. His eyes widened animatedly. "Uh-"

Bianca saved him with a very snappy answer. "Because I don't want him to, mother!"

The father seemed stiff. Her mother rolled her eyes, and to Bianca's expense , said, "Oh, foolish children. Throwing away such strong family connections. Someday my water lily, you will learn."

Bianca rolled her eyes, and one of her friends whispered something which received them a punch in the arm. Wednesday heard a short mutter, "I don't want any connections with him."

That was one thing her and Wednesday could agree on. Connections with boys was useless, silly, stupid, behavior. Yet Enid still insisted on acting so frustrating about it.

The topic didn't linger long, as the father introduced himself. "Very sorry, I should have mentioned, my name is Alastair. Use it well." He gave a glinted wink at some guests, one of those included Wednesday. She flinched back, repulsed.

Enid smiled. "Hi Alastair!" She gave a wave with her neon shaded talons.

Alastair spared a smile for the blonde bobbing female, but his eyes lingered on Wednesday Addams.

"I have a feeling we will all enjoy tonight. Let's all introduce ourselves." be continued

[Sorry for the lack of update, I was kinda dying from sickness and couldn't get up from bed because my throat was dying, etc, etc, you don't care. But I'm back, if anyone cares!!]

Another update tomorrow!!

"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now