Let The Promising Two Prevail

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Wednesday's boots crunched against the stiff grass leaves as she stomped her way through the forest. 

Normally Addams would be much more stealthy as she plucked her way through the grassy terrain, but in truth she was angry, fuming even to put it harshly. The hunt was in four hours, and her partner, "Jasper" was nowhere to be found. 

She had been awoken that morning to the notion that he was absent. At first she had thought nothing of it; not everyone could be as flawlessly punctual as her. But by the time archery class rolled around she was biting into her lip so hard it bled. 

Worry wasn't the word she would use to describe her feelings, it was simply common sense. Tyler Galpin, a boy she refused to think too hardly about was a Hyde. And that Hyde was still running loose, and now one of her classmates was missing. It didn't take a genius like herself to figure that out. 

The night was normally the best time to be wandering these woods, but in an hour the whole forest would be barred off for the setup of the Hunt. 

"I should kill him," she muttered to herself. "Making me run amuck for what? He'd better be bleeding or this will not be worth the effort." 

Beating along with the crunch of several sticks was the vibration of her phone. An insufferable invention, in her opinion. All it did was beep and buzz and annoy the living shit out of her. She knew Enid was purposefully berating her notifications, trying to get ahold of her. But Jasper Crowley was missing, and he was her sacrifice. She had to find him, solely for that reason. Nothing else. 

She slammed her phone into the ground, causing a sharp crack. She didn't even falter in her steps. 


"A siren's song; the perfect sailor's trick," Marilyn's voice purred into Bianca's ear. 

Bianca's hands were encased behind her back, along with her legs being bound to Yoko's. Her head jolted up, as if she was just awoken from a deep sleep. She thrashed and wiggled but chains held her down. 

"What am I-" she cast her eyes down and let out a fierce growl of realization. "What did you do?!" She yelled fiercely, and watched as her scales glimmered a glowed a mystical blue. 

"Bianca," a separate voice soothed, and Bianca watched in horror as Alastair emerged from the darkness of the cellar. "You need to relax." 

Yoko slipped off her sunglasses, to make sure she was seeing correctly and gasped. Bianca couldn't move her mouth enough to even make a noise at all. 

"Your father is right, dear. Though I love to see you freaks squirm, it's unnecessary here." Marilyn commended. 

When the siren finally found her voice she shrieked, her eyes flooding with tears as salty as the ocean. Marilyn's hands hovered over her skin, and the former botany teacher seemed to be muttering something unintelligible; something that was making Bianca's scales glow. She tried to swat the red-haired woman away, but a firm hand gripped her wrist before she could. Alarmed, her gaze flipped to who it was, and eerie blue met dark brown. 

"Why?" She managed to sputter out, her sobs coming out in short hiccups. 

His grip still on her wrist he sighed. The sensation of whatever Marilyn was doing tingled up her arm. Yoko simply watched and kicked around aimlessly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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