Friend, Foe, or unwilling accomplices?

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 Stone cold hands gripped Bianca's arms as she was wrenched from her bed at twilight. 

Struggling with her captor while still drowsy and unknowingly of her situation, fumbling kicks and aimlessly punches were thrown until she was tossed onto the ground roughly. Then she felt her eyes close once again. 

When she awoke she heard the rambling sound of  Yoko's accent prickle her ear. "Bianca," It hissed. "Bianca." 

The siren jolted upright. "What?! Where am-"  

Ice-cold fingers folded over her lips to silence her. She squealed in protest, jerking away from the vampire, whose sunglasses were falling down her sleek nose sloppily. Yoko bared her teeth at Bianca, revealing shiny large teeth. Then the vampire turned around, scanning anxiously around her. 

Then she turned to Bianca, her voice a mere whisper. "Principal Weems kidnapped us," She said, her voice wispy and unbelievable. 

"What?!" Bianca repeated, this time in a stage whisper to appease. 

Yoko shrugged, leaning back against a cold damp wall, and Bianca noticed her hands were chained together. Biana looked down at her own fingers, they were tied with a rope. "I don't know, I honestly was convinced she died." Yoko deadpanned. 

Bianca scoffed. "She did," The siren argued, tugging on her hand restraints. "Do you think you can get these off with your teeth?" 

Yoko flipped her gaze to Bianca, her voice rising an octave. "My teeth." She repeated. She skeptically glanced at her chains. "-And after I do that am I supposed to bite these off too?" 

Bianca rolled her eyes. "After I get out, I can get the key to unlock those." 

"What if you leave without me?" 

"Why would I do that?" 

"Well you haven't exactly been known to be selfless." Yoko replied curtly, her red eyes boring into Bianca's as her sunglasses drooped on her nose bridge. 

Xavier popped into Bianca's head despite her not wanting him to. The words he had used to dump her rang through her memories like an old song on loop. 

"I want something real." 

"-I want to be able to rely on you- I want to trust you. I want-" 

"-You don't want me." She had finished. 

Bianca's grit her teeth, brushing the cold memory off. She glared at Yoko. "I swear on my life that I will come back for you." 

Yoko narrowed her eyes. "Does your life really have enough value for me to trust that?" 

Bianca rolled her eyes again. "Would you rather us both be stuck here until gods know what happens to us?" 

"-Or can you help?" 

Bianca splayed out her bound up wrists. 

"That was the longest I've ever seen it take to escape rope bondage," a familiar voice said behind them. Bianca jumped. 

Yoko turned her head swiftly and was met with the towering figure of Larissa Weems. "Students," the woman murmured. "I have a proposition for you." 

[Wednesday POV] 

Clicking her pencil in a drumming rhythm against her desk, she bore holes into the walls of the small dusty botany classroom on the second floor of Nevermore. The teacher, a stout, wiry, lump of a thing with a receding hairline and four small rodents in a cage on his desk that he called his "babies" looked a bit squeamish as Wednesday turned her deathly gaze back to him. Roping his glasses back in from the dangling chain they fell, he faltered on the lesson he was reciting, something about the human mannerisms that animals performed, and how they were smarter than we have them credit for. Wednesday didn't bother to pay attention. 

Her gaze fell, like it had ten times during that hour, to the empty desk left of Enid. Y/n was absent, and had been from two classes that morning. And Wednesday might know why. 

She didn't know per se, she could only come up with elaborate theories in her head that she longed to type out, rather than sit and listen to Professor Spindle spiral on the idea of animals living like humans, knowing there were several werewolves in the classroom. 

Bianca was back, as was Yoko, the two had been closer than ever, never leaving the side of the other, their arms always linked. At least, that's all Wednesday had seen this morning. She planned to confront them at lunch, confronts was an understatement, she planned to annihilate them unless they gave her back the locket. If they did, she would only -slightly- fracture their bones. 

After 24 more dull minutes, the bell finally rang and Wednesday almost lept from her seat. Bianca and Yoko sped up their pace, their elbows still touching from how tightly knit together the were, as if they knew Wednesday planned to follow them. 

They looked as though they were going at a normal pace, but Wednesday's struggle to catch up was proof they were speedier than usual. Quickening her pace to a swift jog, Wednesday was finally on their tail. When they got to the stairs to go down, Wednesday rushed out, and tossed herself in front of them, planting her feet firmly down as to block their way. 

"Wednesday," Bianca drawled, her eyes narrowing. "What are you doing?" 

Wednesday's scowl deepened, as she jut out her hand. "My locket." She demurred, her fingers jerking in a motion for something to be placed in her hand, that thing being her locket. 

Instead of denying they had it, as Wednesday expected, Yoko's eyes lit knowingly and she wiggled her sunglasses which were propped on her hair rather than on her eyes, and reached into a pocket deep in her bag, before retrieving a familiar silver locket. "This?" She asked, her voice foreignly cheery. 

Wednesday lept forward, her eyes widening before she clawed in from Yoko's hand. The vampire didn't stop her. 

Bianca watched as Wednesday huddled her shoulders in as she looked inside the locket, it looked the same, her mother's face still shining from it. Bianca cleated her throat. "Is that it?" 

The siren peered around Wednesday, and grabbed Yoko's hand as to maneuver around the girl. But Wednesday grabbed Bianca's arm. Bianca flinched, and whipped her hand away, her blue eyes meeting Wednesday's. 

"Don't touch me," she hissed, and Wednesday immediately faltered back, unsure why. Bianca huffed and dragged Yoko along as she went around Wednesday and down the stairs. Yoko waved a swift, polite goodbye to Wednesday before retreating and Wednesday was left with her own crazed thoughts. What the hell had just happened? 

"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now