Chapter 13- A Dragon?!

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Kyi's POV

Me and Oscar went out side for a walk today. I mean it's very sunny out and it's a nice day for a walk. But I'm really just out here since Oscar wanted to go outside and roam around the nei for absolutely no reason. As we were walking we met someone named Vin. He was freakishly tall for no reason he's taller then everyone I know even Oscar is shorter then him. We got along pretty well and became friends instantly. Vin is also 27 just like Oscar! As Oscar walked around doing who knows was me and Vin was watching him making sure he doesn't get into any trouble. "So Kyi, what is Oscar to u??" Vin asked looking down at me as we walked. "Well ummm... He kinda the family pet and also my boyfriend." I responded breaking my god damn neck looking back up at him. "When u say family pet what do u mean by that??" I guess he is a little confused on what I meant by family pet, so I called Oscar over. "HEY OSCAR COME HERE!" I shouted to get his attention. He turned and around and came right towards me like a dog. "You called me??" "Yes. Yes I did call you." "Oh, what u need love?" Oscar said tilting his head to the side. "Change forms so I can show Vin what I mean by "Family pet" please and thank u!" Oscar change into his ferret form and climbed out my back onto my shoulder. Vin was surprised. "Oh so that's what u mean by family pet! I thought I was the only person that could change forms!" I was confused. What did he mean thought he was the only person that can transform? I mean this is a world filled with people who can turn into animals or other things. If he is say he can transfotm I wonder what he is! A hyena, werewolf, snake, ferret, horse, cat?? Like what could Vin be at this point?!? "What do u mean u thought u were the only one who can transform??" I asked looking confused as ever. "We'll I have two things I hid from u guy so Oscar u might want to change back to normal." Oscar did just that and Vin started talking again. "Okay first things first I lied to y'all about my age." "YOU WHAT ABOUT YOUR AGE?!?" Me and Oscar said quite literally in sync. "Then how old really are u?!" Oscar asked. "Well my really age is actually over 2000+ sorry about the lie guy's..." OVER 2000+ YEARS OLD?!? Bro been on this planet longer then us and still looks young!! "At least we know your real age now but what the other thing u kept from us??" I asked as calm as I can be after finding out his real age. "Oh the other thing y'all might want to step back. No like seriously step back!" Me and Oscar were confused again but stepped back until Vin said we were a good distance. "Y'all ready for the last secret?" Vin said about to sit down on the sidewalk. Me and Oscar shock our head and the second we did Vin changed into this giant dragon mixed with some other animal. I can't exactly tell but he is hella long. I walked up to Vin and said "Can u still talk in this from?" Vin's voice apparently gets deeper in this form cause in a deep voice I he says, "Of course I can talk in this form!" " Good I have a question to ask! What are u??" I asked rubbing the side of Vin's giant scaly stomach admiring the beautiful creature in front of me. "What am I? I'm a Fox-Dragon hybrid!" Vin is very pretty in this form I must say.

Vin's POV

I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with Kyi rubbing my stomach, so I changed back into my human form. Plus I saw Oscar getting jealous by the way Kyi was touching me. I wanted to say something about it but i decided not to. I mean like I feel like calling someone out for being jealous is kinda embarrassing. I told them that dragons in general in this world is rare and couldn't be made unless two dragons actually have sex, and there is only about 500 dragons still alive because we were hunted down years ago leaveing only 4 dragons left in the world. I also know about half of the dragons that are alive currently looking for more of them. I was the 5th dragon to come into this world. It's hard for dragons to come back since we are all cautious about exposing ourselves. They both look so in shock by all of this information so I decided to save the rest of the info for another time. I decided that we should all go to a restaurant for something to eat together. Kyi looked at Oscar and they both decided to go with me to a restaurant. "We would love to go with u, but we have to go back home to tell Kyi's brother were we are going first so he doesn't get worried." Oscar said. I changed into my dragon form and offered them a ride home. "Hope on I'll get y'all home safely I promise!" They climbed on my back and then took off into the sky. They showed me were they lived and then landed in there front yard. Kyi and Oscar hopped off my back and then I transformed back into my human form. Kyi unlocked his front door and went inside with Oscar to tell there brother where they were going. Kyi poked his head out the door and told me to come in to met there brother. There house is very pretty! I also got to meet there brother Aaron. He told them that it's okay that they can go with me to the restaurant with me. We said bye to Kyi's brother and then went to the closest restaurant near by.

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