Chapter 19- Library

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Lu's POV

I was woken up by Kyi's running to where ever he went to. I have a headache from how loud his steps were. I got out of bed and exited the guest bedroom. I went to Jake and mine room so I can see him and asked him what happened will I was asleep and while I was drunk cause I don't remember shit at all on what happened after me and him entered the bathroom at the club. What did we do when we entered it and how long were we in there for?? He told me nothing much happened while I was asleep but he wouldn't tell me what happened in the bathroom at the club. What happened in the bathroom can't be that bad... hopefully. Anyways, I went to Nio's room and saw Kyi clinging onto Oscar's arm. Oscar asked for help but I just walked away. I'm not dealing with that couple rn :) . I then went to the car to start it up to take all these people in me and Jakes home to their homes. I noticed that there was another car in our drive way and wondered who's it was. I walked back inside and saw a silly little panther that me and Nio knew when we were younger. "Kimai?!?" I said running towards him. "Lu ur finally awakened from ur nap!" As I hugged him he hugged me back. "Wait y'all know each other?!" Vin shouted. Me and Kamai just shook our heads as a response. After that whole thing Nio also got to see Kamai again before me and Jake dropped him and the other three off to there places. Apparently Vin didn't have a place to live but luckily Kamai had room in his has for 2 so Vin stayed there. Me and Jake also went to go pic up Chase since we had to drop off Kyi and Oscar anyway. When we got home I kinda wanted to go somewhere me and Nio have never been to before. Jake suggested the library since they have a place there for kid books and he can help Chase pick out some books. I went to tell Nio what we're going to do and he was excited as much as I was to go there. So we got back in the car and went to the library.

Nio's POV

When we got to the library Jake told us a few things about it first. "Since I know how loud u two can get u guys need to be quiet in the library or u will be kicked out." Jake told me and Lu. Me and Lu nodded our head and we started to enter the place. Once we got inside We all went to the front desk to get library cards. Apparently u need one to check out book and other stuff. Once we got our library cards me and Lu went to go find books and Jake took Chase to the little kids area. Lu grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me to a certain area of the library. "Hey Lu..." "Yes??" "Why are we I the werewolf book area??" I asked tilting my head. "Because, wouldn't u like to know about our kinds past and how we got the things we have?!?" Lu said looking as happy as can be. I mean it would be nice to know our kinds past, but at the same time I'm more curious on how we got powers but our parents didn't. We started to look around for books that we think we can find something in. The library has a limit on how many books u can get. Three books per person, so that mean we can get a total of six books to bring home or nine if we get Jake to have them under his name. As we searched we found two book that were about werewolves history and another about some past werewolves that were special in some ways. Since those were all we found me and Lu took one book to put under our name and to ask Jake to put the other one under his name. Jake happily put the book under his name for us. He also got two books for Chase while we were there. After getting the books we went home.

Once we were home me and Lu went to my room and started going through the books to see what we can find. We found out some pretty interesting info. Like how there was some werewolves before us had powers just like me an Lu and there are 3 types of powers. Even though every single one of them had the same powers they all had different side affects. The types were Death type which I think what Lu has were the closest person to u using certain abilities and hurt them but not kill them. There is a Healing type that heals the closest person next to u after using any of your powers. There is a Normal type were your powers do nothing after using them. But last but not least Manipulation type. This I were using one of ur abilities can cause something to change if u want it to. I have the Healing type so I guess I could heal people that Lu hurts but I know he wouldn't do that on purpose unless the person wronged him or someone he really cares or love for. We also found some ancestors that had a cobonatio of some of the powers. Anyway we also learned a lot more about our kind then just the whole power thing. Like how Werewolves had something against Vampire's. But I think all of them were killed 200 years ago. We also learned that our parents were serious human hunter while other wolves were against them and wanted to live with humans peacefully. No wonder they always tried to get me and Lu to hunt humans. I'm surprised that our parents weren't killed yet to be completely honest. Me and Lu found enough info about all this history on our kind so we put the books in a safe place for when we go to the library to return them. I asked Lu if he could take me to Aaro's place so I can hangout with him and Lu was happy enough to take me. So me and Lu to the car to go to Aaron's place.

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