Chapter 14- The Lab

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Kyi's POV

Me, Vin and Oscar all walked to the restaurant because none of us can drive.Last time I drove a car illegally I hit someones grandma and they tried to sue me, Oscar wouldn't stop complaining about going to jail. I mean it wasn't really my fault because! The grandma should have moved. Anyways, we walked for about 30 minutes to get to the restaurant even though we could have had Vin turn into a dragon and fly us there but what ever. The restaurant we went to is called, Marmalade Treats. It like a gay restaurant apparently with fruity foods. We entered the restaurant and asked for a table for three. They showed us a table and gave us our menus. I chose a Fruity dish to eat, Oscar chose a sweet dish, and Vin chose a mix of fruity and sweet dish. We were there eating for about 20 minutes. When we finally finished our food we asked for the bill which was about 27 dollars for everything and Vin payed for it. We got up from our table and and headed straight for the exit. The second Vin and Oscar exited the restaurant they were shoot with tranquilizer darts. I walked out to see if they were okay and was knocked out by someone. When I was starting to wake up from getting knocked out. I heard a faint roaring sound coming from across me. When I could finally see again I saw Vin in his dragon form. But he had what looked like a shock collar around his neck. He was also in a glass enclosure. I got up and ran over to Vin. I tried yelling his name but he didn't respond. I guess the glass is sound proff. I looked around to see if Oscar is around but I don't see him.

Vin's POV

I am stuck in this damn one way glass enclosure and I can't hear anything outside. I guess it's sound proff glass. I don't like it here! Where even is here?! I just want out. I blew fire at the glass hopeing it would maybe break or something but nothing happened. I can't even change back into my human form. How much more time in here?! I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned around and looked up. I saw a scientist with a scarf around his neck standing there with some type of remote. I tried aiming for it with a breath of fire but before the fire could come out the scientist pressed a button on the remote and I got shocked. I went into a corner far way from him and laid down knowing that I have no power what so ever here.

Oscar's POV

I woke up in a cage similar to the one I have at home. I was also in my ferret form. I tried getting out of the cage but instead got electicuted the second I even touched the bars. I didn't see Vin or Kyi in sight at all. I'm worried. Where is my boyfriend and my new friend?! I then heard a voice. "We meet again my little experiment." It was the bitch who turned me into a ferret, William. "The fuck u want from me William?!" "That's no way to treat ur "father". Besides u want to make sure ur Friends are okay right??" I was confused on what he meant by that. "What do u mean?? What did u do to them?!" I was angry now. "I haven't done anything to them but if your so curious I can take u to them." I just want to know where they are so I shock my head. William grabbed the cage I was in and carried it though the lab that I knew so well to a new room I never seen before. In there I saw Kyi and Vin, but he was in his dragon form in a corner with a shock collar on his neck. William opened my cage putting it on the ground. I put one paw out and nothing happened so I bolted straight for Kyi. The second I was a few inches away from him I got shocked. I sadly didn't notice or feel the shock collar that was also around my neck. I turned around and looked at William and he said, "Sorry but your not aloud to touch him and he's not aloud to touch u. Got it?" I looked at Kyi and He looked back at me and we nodded. William picked up the cage and walked out.

Kyi's POV

Im kinda sad that I don't get to hold my boyfriend but at least we get to see each other. My focus went back to Vin who look terrified to even try to do anything after getting shocked. I feel bad for Vin and Oscar. Oscar told me that this is the lab that him and a few other blew up on accident the day I found him. I'm surprised that they put the whole thing back together, but why tho is the question. I stopped thinking about it after I saw a bright light come from the enclosure that Vin's in. Apparently he was getting shocked to pure exhaustion for no reason. Me and Oscar started yelling for the person to stop shocking him be he couldn't hear us. We were in tear seeing our new friend in this much pain. We couldn't even help him. I then got a idea. I ran to look for something sharp to start trying to break the glass where Vin blew fire on earlier. I found a metal stick and brought it to the glass and start to stab it. I eventually made a hole in the glass somehow a d yelled for the man to stop. He heard me and stopped. The man started to speak to me. "Do u know how dangerous this dragon is child?! I must tire it out and then kill it!" First off I'm not a child so I yelled back, "U don't have to kill him! He wasn't even putting up a fight when u first shocked him, so why shock him again?! He's not even as dangerous as u say he is!" The man jumped down from where he was and started to walk up to the hole I made. Now that I have a better look at him I could tell he was a scientist but also apart of a gang that was on TV last night. He then made the hole a little bigger useing just his bare hands and tried to grab my neck.

.•♫•♬•To be continued•♬•♫•.

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