Chapter 22- Anniversary

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Jake's POV

Aaron mentioned that Kyi and Oscar were upstairs in their room, and I decided to go up there to talk to them. When I entered the room, I saw Kyi on Oscar's back, needing him to move. "Oscar~. It's not that hard to say you love me." Kyi said as he poked the back of Oscar's head.

"Im not saying that until you get off me! Please, I want to go get water!"No water until you say you love me." "Fine whatever I love you!"
"Awe, thanks, I love me too." Kyi rolled off of Oscar's back before noticing me, and once he did, he waved as if what just happened was... okay?

"What did I just walk into?" I said as I just stared at them, confused and concerned for their mental health. "Nothing important. What do you need, Jake?" Kyi questioned as he got off of Oscar's back. "I just came to talk with you two since Lu is talking to Aaron and his brother."
"Ohhhhh okay, what should we talk about then?" Oscar asked as he began cracking his back.

"Oh, I know, why not talk about your anniversary! Big brother mentioned something about it being close by not too long ago." Kyi smiled at me before sitting down on the floor as Oscar watched. "My anniversary...?" I looked very confused about what Kyi meant. "Yeah! You and Lu's anniversary for being together for 5 years!" Oscar adds, seeming excited. "What, anni... Oh! Me and Lu's Anniver- I forgot all about that! It's literally in two days!" How could I forget Lu and mine's anniversary for 5 years!? That's so embarrassing! "How did you forget your own anniversary!?" Kyi shouted out loud. "Kyi, shut up! I don't need Lu to hear that!" I say, trying to hush him up. "Okay, but honestly, tho Jake. How did you forget?" Oscar asked. "Well, um... it kinda slipped my mind with how much fun we have been having together, to be honest." I replied with a whole bunch of embarrassment. "That's understandable. But let put you forgetting aside cause now that you remember we can get to the fun questions!" Kyi said, seeming very existed. "What were you going to do for your anniversary?" Kyi added on. He seemed very interested in what I'll do for me and Lu's anniversary. To be honest... I don't even know what I'm going to do. I'll have to talk to Lu about the whole thing to see what we will do. I tell Kyi and Oscar that I would have to talk it over with Lu since I have no idea what to do.

Time skip

After some time goes by its almost night time. Kyi, Oscar, and I had a great time talking to each other about things. We wrapped things up and decided to head down stairs. When we went down stairs we saw Chase sleeping on the couch and Lu, Nio and Aaron playing Twister. When they say us come down stairs they all fell on each other. Kyi, Oscar, and I laughed at them. "What are y'all laughing at," Aaron said crawling from up under Lu and Nio. "Y'all know full well I can embarrass each one of y'all in the matter of seconds." That shut the three of us up real fast. We just stood their silent while Nio and Lu got up as well. "Well that was... Interesting." Lu said dusting himself off as he got up. I walked over to Lu and hugged him before patting him on the head. "Hey Lu, what are we going to be doing for our anniversary?" I asked hopeing he had an answer. "Uh... I'm not sure. What do you want to do?", "I don't know either, that's why I asked." We both just stood there silent, not sure what to do now. Aaron eventually came in and Intrupted the silence, "If you two need help with anniversary planning ? I know these two people who could probably help you out in a few hours." He suggested, and honestly I trust his judgment.

"Really? That would be amazing! Do you think you could get them to see us??" I questioned and he nodded as I looked back at Lu, "Works for me." He shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Their names are Gabrielle and Lexton. Here's a their phone number so you can schedule an appointment with them to figure things out." Aaron handed Lu a card with two phone numbers and Gabrielle and Lexton's name next to them. "Thanks Aaron. I think me, Lu and Chase are gonna head out now since it is getting pretty late." Lu went and picked up chase from the couch and carried him out to the car. "Alright, be safe. We don't need y'all getting jumped now." Aaron said with a light smirk as I walked out the door. "Don't worry, we will be very careful." With that said I got into the car and Me, Lu, and Chase went home. Chase was asleep the whole ride and when we got home I took him out the car. I carried him inside the house and upstairs to his room and layed him on his bed. I went to me and Lu's bed room and went to sleep. Eventually Lu came in as well and slept with me.

Next Day :)

In the morning I woke up and went downstair to find Lu reading the paper that Aaron gave us for the Two people he recommended to us for our anniversary. He had a shocked face for a bit. "Lu? What wrong?" I asked walk up to him. "I know one of these people..." I was surprised. It's not everyday Lu knows someone so this was very surprising.

Sorry for such a long wait😭!
I kind like... Forgot to update I apologize!

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