Chapter 9-Finding Someone

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Nio's POV

After I left Lu I went to Jake again. When I entered the house I smelled a amazing aroma coming from the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen and I saw Jake finishing cooking. "Oh hey Nio! I just finished making food u want some?" Jake said making a plate for himself and Chase. "I would love a plate what is it?!" I said looking at the food. "It called a sausage egg and cheese biscuit little brother. Jake makes them a lot and there really good." Lu said coming up from behind me. "It sounds interesting and smell good too... WAIT A MINUTE! When did u enter the house, when did u turn human, and WHEN did u start calling me little brother again?!?" "Don't worry about any of that just eat some food so u won't be hungry later." I grabbed on of the biscuit and ran off to my room. I don't really like people watching me eat.

Lucian's POV

Jake was confused on why Nio ran up stairs after he grabbed a biscuit. I told him that he never really like people watching him eat not even family so this is normal. I don't see why he doesn't like eating in front of people. Anyway, I asked Jake if any of his friends we're gay or at least someone he know is gay since I have a feeling that Nio forgot to ask. Jake said that he doesn't remember any of his friends sexuality so he can ask them all again. I gave Jake a kiss and went to see Nio. I found Nio in his room reading a book to Chase who was in his lap. "Whatcha y'all reading?" I said walking into the room. Chase just looked at me and Nio did too. "Uncle Nio is reading me a Cat in the Hat Book." Chase said smiling at me. "Well isn't that interesting! Is Uncle Nio doing a good job at reading it?" I said teasing Nio. He was always bad at reading when we were younger and gave up on reading for so long. So I found it funny that he was reading again."Uncle Nio is doing great at reading the stories to me!" Chase said hugging Nio. "Yeah Lu I'm doing good at reading!" Nio said in a cocky tone hugging Chase back. "We'll I'm glad to hear that. Oh btw Chase there's food down stairs waiting for u to eat." Chase got up out of Nio's lap so fast and ran down stairs to eeat I walked up to Nio and sat next him. Nio curled up into a ball and let out a sigh of relief. I patted Nio on the head and pulled him closer towards me. Nio then put his head on my shoulder and started drifting off to sleep. When Nio was completely asleep I picked him up and took him to his room. I'm so glad that he wasn't in his werewolf form otherwise he would be so much more heavier he was super light in his human form.

Jake's POV

After I finished talking to all of my friends I went to Lu to tell him what I found out. I ran upstairs and saw Lu carrying Nio to his room. I stayed quite and followed them because I assumed that Nio was alseep. I guess I was right since Lu put him in bed. Lu turned around and told me that we should go somewhere else if I wanted to talk to not wake his brother up. I walked out the door first and as soon a Lu stepped out Nio got up and asked where he was going. I guess he wanted his brother with him while he slept. Reasonable tbh since it has been awhile since they saw each other. Lu told Nio that he will be back in a little bit and to go back to sleep until then. Nio did exactly as he was told. Me and Lu went down stairs to talk. "Okay so I found out that two of my friends are gay and only one of them is looking for a relationship rn." I said. "Well that good news! Who is this person??" Lu asked tilting his head to the side. "Well u somewhat know him... It's Aaron." I said grinning. Lu was surprised that it was Aaron the person that took care of Chase during that time. "We'll ask him if he would date a werewolf and I'll tell Nio about this tomorrow. Oh, and maybe try to see if he wants to meet Nio if so when." I nodded my head and went to grab my phone as Lu went back up stairs as he promised Nio. Once I found my phone I texted Aaron.


Aaron, I have a question you ask u! It's very important!

What could possibly be important now?! 😭😭

Ummmm... Are u willing to date a werewolf like me by any chance 😀??

Why tf u asking??🤨🤨

Because my bf has a brother who is also gay and wants to find someone😁!


Yeah but that's besides the point!!
Would u be willing to date his brother or not?!



I would have to see if he's my type first.


At this point might as well.
I can't find anyone else anyway.


Ummm... tomorrow is good for me.




End of conversation 😍

Well now all my problems are solved! I got Nio a date for tomorrow. Now I just need to wait until tomorrow to tell Lu and Nio the the good news! Tomorrow is going to be a exciting day! Anyway im tired I'm going to sleep!

A Human With A Werewolf Boyfriend (A Gay Love Story) Where stories live. Discover now