Chapter 23- Old Friend

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Lucian's Pov

Seeing the name "Lexton" was a serious surprise to me. It's been so long since I last saw them! I wonder what's his connection with this Gabrielle person... Normally, Lexton doesn't work with others. "Should we go see them now?" I asked Jake. He said we could go. We just gotta bring Chase to Aaron's so he doesn't get bored or kidnapped. So me, Jake and Chase got dressed and headed out. We dropped Chase off to Aaron's and then went to where we would meet Lexton and Gabrielle.

Gabrielle's POV
(Woah! New character gets
POV as they get introduced!)

I was walking around the office looking for my boyfriend Lexton. "Oh, baby~? Where'd you go? We are having visitors soon." Why's he always running off when I need him? I sighed as I suddenly heard movement coming from a closet next to me.

I walk towards it, opening it and there Lexton sat,"... Why are you hiding in the closet? You already came out?" I asked playfully but also confused. "I already know I came out! I'm just...hiding in the closest because one of the people coming here went to highschool with me!"

"Oh, really?!? Which one?" I questioned, now interested but he didn't respond. "Come on now, lexxxx, you can't even tell your kind, beautiful girlfriend~?"

He sighed, crossing his arms and whispering, "Lucian...he's an old friend of mine..."

"You had friends? Boo...I thought you were like an emo loner who hated everyone...who also managed to get a girlfriend."I laughed before he had grabbed me by the shoulders, "Of course I had friends and for the last time I'm not emo!" He yelled as I stood back up and dragged him outside of the storage closet.

"Righttt, anyways this "friend" of yours and his husband should be arriving soon, so please get yourself ready, okay baby?" I said fixing the closet, shutting it and walking away.

"I'll be ready...sheesh...can't believe I'm meeting Lucian again..." He groaned covering his mouth and staring at the ceiling, "Maybe you two can catch up while I talk to his husband, how's that sound~?" I asked gently petting his head as a car had pulled into the driveway.

"Hehe, looks like they made it, are you ready to reunite with your good old buddy~?" I say, walking towards the door to greet the two people.

"No not -"
"Good! Cause I'm opening the door!" I interrupted, quickly opening the door as the two people entered the room.

"Hello!! Welcome to AnniVow's, my name is Gabrielle and this is my partner Lexton, you two must be Lucian and Jake, I presume?" I greeted, inviting them both inside and dragging Lexton off the floor and back to his feet.

"Oh yes, we are. I'm Jake, and this tall fluffy dog here is Lucian." Jake smiled, I could tell he was proud of his word choice for his boyfriend.

"Tall... Fluffy... Dog?" Lucian replied, looking down at Jake. "If I'm a tall, fluffy dog, you're a short, squishy human." He continued as I chuckled at their goofy descriptions.

Honestly, they both seem like nice people to hang out with.

"Well Jake if you don't mind, you can follow me to the back so that we can discuss your situation. These two can chat and get to "know" each other while we're gone." I smiled, slightly winking at Lucain and Lexton before taking Jake by the hand and leading him into the back office where we would soon discuss more business focused matters.

Lucian's Pov

"...uhm, did that lady just, steal my boyfriend?" I whispered pointing in their direction as Lexton sighed, crossing both his arms and avoiding eye contact.

"Hmh...yeah, sorry about her, she gets...overly excited whenever we get same sex couples." He explained, sighing again as I looked away.

This is a little awkward, I mean we haven't talked to each other in years nevertheless see each other, what are we even supposed to talk about? We used to be friends but after that giant fight we had we just fell off and lost connect and who would've thought we'd get to see each other again, I never would've thought he'd be working at a place like's very, out of his element.

"Hey...listen, I just wanted to apologize for what happened back in school! You were right, humans aren't responsible for the misfortune of the werewolves...I was just childish and upset that you could side against your own people, I know it's late but I seriously have changed my ways and now I see that humans aren't so bad..." He continued, "Someone...special, revealed that to me....I truly am sorry and I understand if you still hate me but, please just know that I am truly sorry about everything...really, I mean it."

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Back up, I don't hate you?"
"You...don't?" He says, looking me in the eyes as I shook my head transforming into my human form and scratching behind my ear, "I was upset back then but...that was a long time ago, honestly we were both acting pretty stupidly," I said softly laughing as he uncrossed his arms and chuckled.

"Pfft—yeah I guess that's pretty true,"
"Right, do you remember the time when we went out hunting past midnight and accidentally ended up tackling our history teacher!"

"Oh yeah! He was upset about that for months, haha!" We both laughed thinking back and going through the countless memories we had made together before Jake and Gabrielle had entered the room and stared at us, "Well would you look at that~? The two of you are still friends after all." Gabrielle said happily clapping her hands as Jake smiled at us in awe, as I approached him and gently kissed him on top of the head.

"Heheh, Say Lu, how would  you feel about recreating out first date together?" Jake smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck as I pressed my forehead against his, "That seems fun, let's do it!" I cheered, as Lexton grabbed Gabrielle by the waist and allowing her to hug him, but now I'm much more excited about my "first" date with Jake.

(I'd like to apologize for such a long wait and thank you to tokyomysta for helping me finish this chapter. They practical did majority of the story too. Thank you!)

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