Practice makes perfect! || Leonardo x Vigilante [ READER ] ( R )

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( From my online friend! )

TYPE: Fluff
TURTLE: Leonardo ⚔️



A certain Red eared slider is in patrol today, Trying to save random people who are stupid to go out at midnight.

" I can't believe I'm in patrol today I'm so sure Donnie is the next one to do patrol.. " Leo said disappointed, While he's buried in his thoughts he suddenly heard a thud from a nearby building.

It was a human trying to climb a tall building wall, like he is trying to do.. parkour?

Leonardo is watching him fail miserably, but then Leo accidentally bumped into a pile of boxes luckily he quickly caught the boxes before they could reach the floor' HAH! And Raph said I wasn't agile jokes on him ' He thought with a smirk, what he didn't realized is that [ READER ] sensed the turtle and what he did.

" Come out of there jackass! " [ READER ] shouted making Leo anxious knowing that the male human knows that he's there

' B-BUT HOW??? IM SO SURE I DIDN'T MAKE A SINGULAR SOUND! ' Leo thought while panicking, While he's panicking the male human is waiting there patiently.

" Are you gonna come out or what? " [ READER ] asked calmly
" ..Okay, But don't freak out by how I look! "
" Of course I won't I'm not judgemental. "

Leo came out of his hiding place revealing himself to be a Mutant turtle who is disgusting and he will probably run awa-

" Are you a mutant turtle? " [ READER ] asked out of nowhere suprising Leo
" Uh?? Yea???? " Leo answered sounding confused.
" Oh okay cool " The male human just shrugged and kept trying to climb the next building

. . .

" YOUR NOT SCARED?? OR OR SUPRISED??? " Leo asked in shock

" Nah I saw a mutant pig yesterday "

" Oh oh! Can I guess what he was doing? " Leo said with a big grin on his face while [ READER ] is left confused

" Uh sure?? "

" He was cooking some weird recipe "

" Correct "

" Anyways we totally just skipped introductions, I'm Leonardo but you can call me Neon Leon, Leon, Blue, Stripes, and Leo! " Leo said with gleefulness in his voice

" Why nice to meet you Leo, I'm [ READER ] "

" Say [ READER ] would you like for us to be friends? " Leo asked with hope

" Hmm sure "

They ended the scene with a handshake.


Leo and [ READER ] has been friends for over 9 months spending every night with each other Raph, Mikey and Donnie doesn't know about [ READER ] as Leo wants to keep him a secret because he doesn't want to share his best friend with his brothers.

... Lately tho Leonardo has been feeling some feelings towards [ READER ], Everything they do just sends some butterflies in his stomach, the feeling feels so new to the Red eared slider so that's why he asked his intelligent twin brother for an answer to this mysterious feeling.

" So what do you think don? " Leo asked Donnie with (suprisingly) seriousness while sipping his soda

" Well I don't know who this person is but based on all things you felt about them, you have a crush on them. " Donnie said while Leo spitting out his drink

" DONNIE I'M NOT GAY! " Leo shouted
" Ah so it's a male "
" UH NO- ... maybe "
" Who is this human anyways?? "
" NO ONE " Leo said running out of donnie's room while Raph and Mikey looks at him confused
" What's going on D? " Raph asks Donnie
" Just Leo having a crush crisis " Donnie says
" Oh okay! . . . WAIT LEO HAS A CRUSH?? " Mikey asks Donnie with shock Leo the Red eared slider who's always been known as the flirty one inlove??? Even Raph is suprised


" Sorry I'm late [ READER ]! My brother just needed me for something " Leo said to [ READER ] sitting at the edge of the roof

" It's fine, just got here too to be honest " [ READER ] said truthfully.

[ READER ] and Leo talked for a few hours enjoying every little conversation they had, They don't want this day to end.

" Well the sun is rising again Leo " [ READER ] said a bit sad for having to wait till tomorrow night again
" Yea, tomorrow night again? "
" Of course it became a routine after all "

Before [ READER ] can go Leo grabbed his hand.

" Oh! What is it Leo? "
" Okay.. I don't know if there's a time where I can say this but I like you, I like you very much so much that I can't say it into words- " Before Leo can continue [ READER ] hugged him.

" I like you too you doofus.. "


While the 2 friends are hanging out the red eared slider's brothers are spying on him

" Is that his secret friend?? " Raph asked the two brothers
" Well gee I don't know who else would he be. " Donnie answered Raph's answer with sarcasm
" SHHH Guys They're talking! " Mikey said to the Raph & Donnie
" It's almost sunrise how long is this conversation going.. " Donnie said tired
" I don't know Donnie but we gotta look out for our brother "

" O MI GOSH GUYS THEYRE CONFESSING!! " Mikey said with excitement

" WAIT WHAT WOAH-! " Raph and Donnie said in sync while making the whole group fall down the building.

Leo and [ READER ] saw them fall in a big trash bin

" Aren't you gonna help them? " [ READER ] said worried about Leo's brothers
" Nah that's what they get for spying on me " Leo said triumphantly


Hello!! So sorry if the ending looks kinda rushed (Because it is) I hope you guys liked it :D


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