I'm not gay! || Raph x Goat Mutant [ READER ] ( R )

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( Requested by: AceIshSpades )

TURTLE: Raphael 🧸


Raph is so confused.

He felt this love towards his brothers, He felt this love towards his dad, And even his friends but .. Why is it different towards [ READER ]?

He decided to ask the most smartest person he knows, that isn't donnie-
And that is



' " Why do I feel different towards my friend " Yea, that seems right! ' He clicked the enter button and it revealed to be

A crush . . . A CRUSH?!

..Right? He feels confused, and hungry- So he decides to go to the kitchen to make a bologna sandwich. While at the kitchen Mikey and Leo went in and noticed that Raph's confused stink is currently noticeable

" Woah Raph! Are you okay my dude? You're currently having your confused stink on "

" Yea brother, what's bothering you? " Both Leo and Mikey asked the confused smelling alligator snapping turtle.

".. I don't know Leo and Mike, I've recently feel something towards [ READER ] and when I searched it on Google it said that I have a crush on him! Crazy right? "

Both Leo and Mikey stood there idly thinking the same thing in mind

" Mind telling us how that feeling is big bro? " Mikey asked trying to put on his doctor feelings outfit while Leo is putting on a colored outfit in the background

" Well gee I don't know Mike, I can't really explain it much.. "
" Well not to worry for Doctor feelings is here with Doc Rainbow here to help you with your feelings about [ READER ]! " Mikey said while sitting Raph down at the projector room.

" Mikey I thought we agreed that my doctor name would be DOC LEON NOT FRICKING DOC RAINBOW! "

" Now Raph can you elaborate more on your feelings towards [ READER ]? " Mikey asked Raph

" Well.. whenever he's around I feel happier than ever, And I feel the need to be around him all the time to protect him or just to hang around with him, And I feel super nervous like there's butterflies flying in my stomach.. Not literally like!- does that make sense? "

" Raph, that is a crush. You've just basically explained the meaning of it "


" WHAT?! nononono I can't have a crush at [ READER ]! "
" What's wrong?? He's a nice person thoug- "
" He's not the problem, The problem is the idea of me dating a man I mean no offense Leo, But it feels super wrong to be dating a man while being a man for me! "

Raph looks away sad while Mikey and Leo looks at him concerned.

".. I get it Raph, I actually felt that way when I first started to catch feelings towards usagi I was all like ' This isn't how I'm supposed to be feeling towards a dude! ' But I soon realized that it's fine to feel this way. You can't possibly reject the feelings you feel towards [ READER ] or else it will just make things worse between your relation with him, So might as well embrace it, Embrace that you are different from others that you are not some clone like others! " Leo said to Raph, Raph thought for a minute suddenly he stood up from his seat

" Leo is right, There's nothing wrong with liking a dude! Thanks Leo and Mikey I feel so much better now " Raph said while walking out of the room.


Today is a special day for Raph, Today is the day that he and [ READER ] will hang out at the Run of the mill pizza place and confess to [ READER ]!, Raph is currently waiting for [ READER ] at the graffiti wall.

" Hey Raph! " Raph heard from a distance, Raph looked and saw [ READER ] wearing his signature [ Clothing of choice ]
" Hey [ READER ] You ready to go in? " Raph asked [ READER ] which he responded with a nod

" Welcome to Hueso's!- oh it's one of the turtles again. " Heuso said obviously not happy to see Raph at his view right now

" Can we have a table for 2 please? " Raph asked nervously to Hueso
" * Sigh * Right this way sirs "

While walking to the table [ READER ] asks Raph
" What did you do to this man to piss him off? "
" Oh! Just occasional chaos and stuff.. Y'know how me and my brothers are trouble magnets haha! " Raph answered embarrassed, He is supposed to make [ READER ] think that's he's cool not to embarrass himself!

They got themselves seated, and started skimming the menu. Raph was lost in thought thinking of ways to impress [ READER ] with his cool skills not hearing that [ READER ] has been calling him for over 5-6 times

" RAPH! " [ READER ] said slightly loud so that Raph can be lost in his train of thoughts
" Y-yeah [ READER ]? " Raph asked sheepishly
" I've been calling you hundreds of times, Are you ready to order? " [ READER ] explained to the embarrassed snapping turtle
" O-oh yea, I'm ready to order! "


[ READER ] was currently speaking while Raph has been silent for many minutes being in his thoughts. Raph decided to tell a joke to make himself seem funny, if he can't be cool then maybe he can be funny like how Leo is.

" Y'know that reminds me the time where you slipped while fighting us- " Raph stopped speaking realizing that [ READER ]'s face is very red because of embarrassment
" O-OH SOSO SORRY [ READER ] I DIDN'T MEAN TO EMBA- " Raph said feeling genuinely bad about what he said
" Nono it's fine Raph! After all it is a funny memory " [ READER ] said then giggled slightly making Raph blush in embarrassment
' Get yourself together Raph! You're making a fool out of yourself ' Raph thought then continued to eat.

" Thank you very much Raph for the free pizza, Though I could've payed for my portion.. " [ READER ] said while sitting alongside with Raph on a rooftop
" No worries, after all it's my treat! " Raph said
' Okay Raph it's time to confess! You've been working on this for sometime, You can do this! ' Raph said to himself

" [ READER ] I need to tell you something "
" What is it Raph? "
" First earlier at the restaurant I want to say sorry for the way I'm acting, I was super nervous and trying to act super cool "
" What, why were you trying to act cool? "
" Because I wanted to impress you and make you like me.. "

A bit of silence occurs, Then [ READER ]'s laugh can be heard.

" Why are you laughing? " Raph asked with confusion
" Because I already like you doofus " [ READER ] said with confidence
" No like, like-like me "
" That is what I meant "

Raph stood there frozen in place
' D-DID [ READER ] SAY THAT HE LIKES ME???? ' Raph taught in complete shock and fainted.

" R-RAPH!?! "

B O N U S:

" Mikey I swear, Why can't you let me name my doctor self Doc Leon?! " Leo said with a bit of anger
" Because it sounds stupid and unprofessional "
" Your name sounds unprofessional. "
" OH YOU TAKE THAT BACK! " Mikey shouted then wrestle's with Leo.

" I swear to God why can't I have more quiet brothers. " Donnie said while watching the Heather's musical.


WOO! I am finally done with this oneshot :'D, Gonna be super honest this is my first time write above the 1k words line, I hope you guys will like this and thank you for AceishSpades for requesting this!


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