Thank you very much! || Raphael x Male Bear Mutant [ READER ] ( R )

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( Requested by: JJZebraa )

TURTLE: Raphael 💣


The turtles are currently on a mission making them go inside of the krang's lab, While Donnie was busy doing something to the computer Infront of him the others decided to go in different ways to find something that I won't specify. Raph was busy looking around admiring the krang's lab that he didn't realized that he got lost and when he realized it was too late..

" Dang it! I knew I should've just went with mikey.. " He started to tear up and so he fell to the floor and lightly cried then suddenly a door opened up and Raph went into fighting position.

When the door opened it was revealed to be a mutant bear on the other side, obviously Raph not knowing who he is immediately started attacking him which frightened the mutant.

" Woah! Why are you attacking me?! "
" Because you are apart of the krang! "

The bear mutant took Raph's wrists when he had the chance and said to him

" I am escaping from the krang not part of them look! " The mutant pointed to his neck which contains some kind of shock collar, And so Raph lowered his weapons still not fully trusting him.

" We're you the one crying earlier? " The bear mutant asked which made Raph jump in suprise.

" I-I was not crying! " Raph said but sniffled indicating he did indeed cried, The bear mutant asked
" Why are you hiding the fact you cried? "
Raph can only answer in silence and started walking away, And so the bear mutant followed beside him which made Raph irritated.

" Why are you following me?! " He said angrily to which the Bear mutant replied
" To keep you safe! " Which made Raph's face go red like his mask.

" What's your name..? " Raph said making some small talk
" Oh! My name is [ READER ], How about you? "
" Raphael. "
" Ooh! Like one of the renaissance artists? "
" Yes. "

They still continued walking and so [ READER ] asked
" Where are we going? "
" Trying to go back to my brothers. "
" Okay! "

Just as they finished the conversation a few krang robots appeared and started attacking them, Raph went to fighting stance but [ READER ] fought them off first which made Raph stood there in shock.

" Whatchu waiting for? Let's go! " [ READER ] said while Raph followed along




".. Why are you helping me? " Raph asked which made [ READER ] look back at him and smile
" Because I trust you! "
" I suggest not trusting people that easily. "
" Well, I know by your attitude that you don't trust people that easily so you hide your true feelings because you think showing feelings shows weakness to others. "

Raph looked at [ READER ] completely in shock of how he knows so much from him based on his attitude, And so he kept quiet indicating he's right by his assumptions.

They got out of the krang lab and met up with Raph's brothers

" Raph you're okay! " Mikey said almost hugging him but couldn't because Raph dodged him

" And I see you made a.. Friend? " Donatello asked pointing towards [ READER ] to which he waved

" Guys this is [ READER ], [ READER ] these are my brothers " They all said hello to one another

" I can help you with the shock collar you have on your neck [ READER ] if that's okay with you " Donnie said and [ READER ]'s response is a simple nod


While Donnie was helping [ READER ] Raph was waiting patiently outside of Donnie's room resulting for Mikey and Leo to look at him with weird looks

" Dude are you sure that's the real Raph? The real Raph doesn't wait patiently for anything or anyone! " Mikey whispered to Leo
" I think that's the real Raph, I wonder what happened to him-? "
" WOULD YOU GUYS STOP WHISPERING ABOUT ME- " Raph got interrupted by Donnie's room door being opened by [ READER ] without the shock collar around his neck

" I got it out guys! " Donnie said while holding the now broken shock collar.

While the others are discussing about the krang Raph went up beside you and asked
" Are you okay? Did it hurt?? "
" Yup! And not really he was very gentle with taking it off "
Raph was relieved for some reason with that information.

" I gotta get going Raph! Thank you so much for freeing me " Before [ READER ] can leave Raph held on his wrists.

" U-uh will we ever see eachother again..? " Raph asked timidly which made [ READER ] chuckle lightly

" How about we exchange numbers and hang out every night? " [ READER ] asks to which Raph agrees, They exchanged numbers and [ READER ] left.


Thank you JJ for requesting! I hope you don't mind that I changed some parts since I can't find a way to connect them in the story somehow very sorry! Also you didn't specify if you want the oneshot to be romantic or platonic so I hope you meant romantically :')), I hope you guys liked this oneshot very much! :D


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