Merry Christmas! || Leonardo x [ READER ] ( R )

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TYPE: Fluff
TURTLE: Leonardo 🏮


It was that time of the year, Christmas. Leo is currently waiting for [ READER ] to arrive for the Christmas party, he's waiting for them outside the lair anxious of why [ READER ] is late
" Still waiting for [ READER ]? " April asked noticing the blue leader anxious
" Yeah, They're just never this late.. "
" Maybe they got caught up in something, I'm sure they wouldn't ditch us "
" Yeah.. " Leo said still a bit anxious

A few minutes later [ READER ] finally arrived

" Leo! So sorry I'm 30 minutes late, I had to finish this assignment due today and- "
" Nonono! It's fine, I'm just glad you arrived safely [ READER ] " Leo said without noticing [ READER ] Blushing intensely
" Thank you Leo.. "
" Come on [ READER ] The exchange gift is starting "

They arrived in the lair seeing Donnie preparing to pull someone out of a hat

" As I can see [ READER ] is here so we can start "
Donnie said as he picked up a piece of paper
" First one to recieve a gift is... Mikey! "

Mikey recieved a gift from Casey, Casey recieved a gift from Raph and so on ( I don't wanna explain who got who- )


Everyone recieved their gifts and are having fun with friends, [ READER ] decided it was time to give Leo their gift (NOT PART OF THE EXCHANGE GIFT PART-)

[ READER ] approaches Mikey and Casey talking to each other
" Hey have you guys seen where Leo is? "
" Oh yea dudette / dude! He's currently in his room "
" Thanks Mikey..! " You said while heading to Leo's room feeling extremely nervous

' what if Leo doesn't like it..? '
' what if this isn't what Leo expected in his gift..?? '
Many intrusive thoughts came into [ READER ]'s mind while standing outside of Leo's door, then suddenly Leo opened the door

" Oh [ READER ]! We're you gonna knock? "
" O-oh Leo! Yes I wanted to give you a gift "
" But you got Mikey, not me? "
" It's more of a thank you gift.. "
Leo took the gift out of your hands and opened it revealing the gift to be (Insert gift because idk what Leo would like)

" I love it [ READER ]..! "
" You do?? "
" Yes this is what I wanted! Thank you [ READER ].. " Leo said smiling directly to [ READER ]
" You're welcome Leo! " [ READER ] said smiling towards Leo with a bit of a pink tint on their cheeks, just as [ READER ] is about to leave the door way Leo called towards them.
" W-wait [ READER ]! I need to tell you something.. "
[ READER ] stopped and looked
" What is it Leo? " [ READER ] said looking at him genuinely
" ..Ever since we accidentally met you on that alleyway you somehow make my life better, And I just wanna say is that.. I like you [ READER ]. " Leo said with sincerity while you stood there looking dumbfounded

".. [ READER ]? "
" I like you too! "
" Y-you do? "
" Yeah, have been for quite a while.. " [ READER ] said shyly while Leo is in shock, He didn't think anyone would like a Slimy, Disgusting, Mutant turtle like him but when [ READER ] came in his life.. he felt like he has a bit of hope in getting a girlfriend, ( or boyfriend he might be fruity- ) and his wish came true...

" So.. want to have a date this saturday? "
" * Giggle * Of course I do Leo.. " [ READER ] said lovingly to Leo

B O N U S:

" Why do you think [ READER ] needs to see Leo? " Casey asked to his friend Mikey
" I don't know what's happening between those two love birds probably making out or something "
".. Mikey they aren't together. "


" THEY ARENT?! " Mikey screamed at Casey with shock
" No! Who said they were? "
" .. Raph & Donnie "
" .. Did you guys thought they were dating? "
" Maybe- "

Casey slaps his head with his palm gesturing he's in disbelief that Mikey didn't know.


So sorry that this came out late! I had writer's block and couldn't think of anything to post for Christmas (also yes this was supposed to be a Christmas special) I was supposed to do a all 4 turtle headcannons of them under a mistletoe but I couldn't think of anything to write, so sorry :')


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