Hot as pizza || Leonardo x Male Mutant Rabbit [ READER ] ( R )

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( Requested by: BAMMIETHESWAGGIE12 )

TYPE: Fluff
TURTLE: Raphael 🧸


The turtle brothers we're currently heading towards Run of the mill pizza place everyone is excited especially a certain red-eared slider turtle, Leo is excited to taste a brand new recipe that Señor Hueso just made.

They entered the building and one of the waiters lead them to an available table, They waited for a bit for a waiter to take their order until a brown haired rabbit came by.

" Hello I am [ READER ] and I will be taking your order! What would you guys like? " Leo isn't one for looks but DAMN DOES HE LOOK HOT- When it was Leo's turn to order he was dead silent. " Uh Leo, You need to order. " Raph said while Leo still looks at the brown haired rabbit like he was a noble prize of something.

The 3 brothers immediately knew what's happening so Donnie smacked Leo's head which immediately made him come back to reality " HOAH HUH WHAT? " Leo said while animated-ly looked left and right " Y-your order sir.. " [ READER ] said while blushing furiously towards Leo thinking he accidentally upseted him but in reality Leo was down bad for him.

" O-OH YES! UH THE NEW [ Insert cool pizza name ] PLEASE- " Leo said while looking red even redder than Raphael's mask, " Of course sir! You've actually are one of the earlier customers to try it " [ READER ] said with a smile before walking away.

Leo was busy looking at [ READER ] to not notice his brothers grinning at him, But when he noticed he immediately knew what they we're thinking " I don't have a crush on him. " " Well it's quite obvious Leonardo. " Donnie answered back with sarcasm.

After a while [ READER ] came back with their meals, While Leo was eating he grabbed a napkin that was given with his meal, He was going to use the napkin on his mouth but fortunately he noticed something scribbled in it.

' Call me if you want :))
+1 505-655-1353
- [ READER ] '


Leo read then he looked straight at [ READER ], [ READER ] looked back at him and smiled at Leo which made him blush which his brothers noticed and they suddenly 'oooo'ed at him. " ITS A FRIENDLY GESTURE! " Leo said.

[ READER ] was looking at the chaos he caused and chuckled to himself lightly while started heading towards the kitchen, Not noticing a certain turtle looking back at you then typing your phone number on his phone.


So sorry I just disappeared out of nowhere- I had some school work to do and report cards came and y'know life stuff :')) I see people still reading this so if you're reading this, Thank you :D


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