chapter 42 Missing You

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"Silly" Jiang Cheng laughed out as he saw his disciples running with the kites that been painted by the junior disciples of the Yunmeng clan each of the kites carried different types of animals drawings and flowers and other things people couldn’t decipher.

The excited disciples told them to run faster as they wanted to see Wei WuXian shoot down a kite again.

Sizhui looked around seeing how Yunmeng was so so different from Gusu he vaguely wondered what it would be like to grow up here.

A tiny part of him wanted to find out . He looked at Jingyi as he heard him shout "kick his ass Master Wei" typical Jingyi, Sizhui smiled he was sure he would fit in here as he saw him abandon all the rules and cheer for Master Wei breaking a lot of rules in the span of one minute.

Jin Ling on the other hand wasn't cheering his pride won't let him but he saw how fixated his eyes was. Sizhui was sure he was ready to learn and copy his father's talent silently.

As for Haoyu he looked a lot better he smiled at him maybe he could teach the boy one or two things to help him be a better Lan cultivator.

Loud screams interrupted his thoughts as he looked up to see two kites had been let out and now they were flying upwards in the air.

The Yunmeng disciples kept on cheering mostly for Master Wei and not for the other.

Wei Ying smiled and gestured his hands to the sky telling him to shoot down the kites.

Jiang Peng smiled and turned his eyes upward looking at the two kites they hadn't flown that far up he took his arrow aiming it  at the one painted with an animal once he was sure of his focus he shot it down.

He heard loud screams and cheers from the disciples he smirked with pride.

Jingyi huffed "that wasn't even to high" he yelled.

Jiang Cheng smiled this peng did well but he wasn't as good as Wei Ying So the sect leader stood waiting for Wei Ying to prove him self knowing what was going to happen next.

Sizhui and Jin Ling were quiet gazing seeing what would happen next.

Wei Ying smiled at him and was clapping, Jiang Peng's smile lost it smirk his lips had closed together forming a thin line he was annoyed was Wei Wuxian mocking him?

Time had gone when the infallible Master called out to him.

"Shoot down this one to..".

He carried his eyes ohhhhhh that kite the one with the grasses painted on it had flown really high up in the sky.

He scrunched his eye brows and took his arrow again aiming it at the kite, he wasn't sure of the shot yet, still he let the arrow go and it flew past the kite without hitting it.

He turned his gaze back and saw the infallible master smiling at him.

He turned his eyes upward and started aiming arrows continuously yet none hit the kite and by now the kite had flown higher than where it was before.

Wei Ying clapped and appreciated his efforts. He walked towards where he stood and smiled

He took an arrow and turned his eyes upward he smirked  looking back at his competition and then smile smugly and  confidently and let the arrow again fly upwards  and the kite immediately started falling back to the ground.

The specators around starting shouting "Senior Wei what a great shot,......" another shouted "none can beat Senior Wei...: Jingyi shouted from where he stood "you Kicked his ass Master Wei" he smiled smugly.

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