chapter 4 pleasure

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As usual Wei Ying was thinking to him self nothing happened during their night hunt what a waste for the Lan juniors.

Their previous night hunts had to do with exorcising spirits , demons or putting resentful ghosts to rest or little diseases that plague the town nothing major at all

Today he had scanned the entire area for resentful energy or anything amiss and found nothing even his great husband couldn't find anything amiss.

You see he kept thinking to him self now the juniors will be here under the rain practising sword forms, reciting the rules and no time to rest And talk among themselves

He has to do something about this it happens all the time when the is nothing to do Lan Zhan will keep the juniors busy with swords in their hand fighting themselves and he had to changed that.

Currently Hanguang-Jun was looking for the usual clearing for the junior disciples to begin their training.

A place in caiyi Town where people hardly passed by and was surrounded by grasses and bushes and trees.

Lan Yi was looking at Wei WuXian's face clearly written disappointment he laughed in his mind he agreed,

It was unfair that the juniors had to train so hard in his days as a junior he didn't need to train so hard and yet he was still good with his swords and tails man and knew a lot about spirits he hadn't reach Hanguang-Jun or zeWu-Jun or the 33 elders or the mighty Master Lan but he could be called the best after them.

"Wei WuXian I know your thinking hard let it out tell me " he slowed down to catch up with Wei WuXian
Hanguang-Jun was in front drilling the disciples with questions to far ahead to hear what the two were discussing.

Lan Yi can be called a friend to Wei WuXian he was one of the senior disciples that liked Wei WuXian even when he was a junior disciples he admired him so much and didn't believe all the stupid rumors then about his admired senior and when he died Lan Yi was sad but he told him self he will study harder after all Wei WuXian use to encourage him then when he came to cloud reccess

When he heard he was alive by some miracle he was happy and even more grateful that he will see Wei WuXian more often at cloud reccess and the two got along apart from Jingyi Lan Yi was another that didn't act all thorough like a Lan and Wei WuXian enjoyed his company.

No wonder Wei WuXian requested his presence for the night hunt.

Now he knew what was on Wei WuXian's mind but wanted to hear it for him Self.

"Your starting to be able to read me huh lan Yi" Wei WuXain couldn't help laughing he considered Yi a friend they were alike in a way

"Well spill it then"he was smiling along side Wei WuXian

"Well the thing is the juniors are being stressed so hard and am not against them training and cultivating but still they hardly have time for them selves
am sure you have noticed " his expressions had changed to worry his voice sounding sad

" SiZhui for example I can't remember the last we had a talk that was anything other than talisman or spells or swords or music or archery. I don't even know how he is if he likes anyone if he had troubles with his peers or if he has puberty issues he is a teenager you know!" Wei WuXian let it all out in one breath

"I understand but it master Lan that set the trainings in place the is nothing you or i can do but" he said with a smile on his face that represented one of mischief.

"We are on a night hunt and not in gusu where the rules don't apply we can stop Hanguang-Jun from training them today " his smirk had gotten wider

"Yessssssssssssssssss!!!!" his voice was so loud the junior disciples even Lan Wangji had turned to his direction to see him talking to lan Yi Lan Zhan's face saying nothing.

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