Chapter 1: Lost At Sea

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"C'mon Thurston!" Kion shouted. "Oh my!" Thurston panicked. "Beshte! Get him!" Kion ordered running alongside the rampaging River.

Beshte went into the water, but Thurston couldn't grab onto him. Beshte got out. "Thurston, swim this way, I'll grab you by your scruff!" Kion shouted. Thruston swam closer to the edge, and Kion grabbed him. Kion threw Thurston onto shore, but in the process, Kion lost his footing, and fell into the river. "Kion!" Fuli shouted, "Anga, try to keep an eye on him!" "Yep," Anga went flying over the river, but Kion was submerged into the water.

Kion woke up on a log, surrounded by water. Kion rubbed his head with his paw, "Ow." He looked around. "Where the heck am I!" He shouted. He jumped up, and fell off the log.

 He jumped up, and fell off the log

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He quickly swam back to the log and got back up

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He quickly swam back to the log and got back up. "Ew salt water!" Kion spat out the water. He layed back down on the log. "I'm hungry!" He complained. He passed out from hunger.

When Kion woke up again, he was still in the ocean. Suddenly, an Iceberg boat shaped thing approached him. There was a couple of male lions on it, about his age. "Hey you ok?" One asked. Kion slowly balanced on the log, "I think so," Kion replied. "Want to join us?" One asked. "Sure," Kion smiled. He climbed onto it. "What's your name?" One asked. "Kion, what's yours?" Kion asked. "Zaki," Zaki replied. "Thanks for letting me join you," Kion thanked. "Me and my friends are glad to help," Zaki smiled.

 "Me and my friends are glad to help," Zaki smiled

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(This is Zaki 17, Zaki means "Pure")

"This are my friends, Anshul, Aridam, Zale, and Keir," Zaki introduced.

(This is Anshul 17, Anshul means "Sunbeam")

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(This is Anshul 17, Anshul means "Sunbeam")

(This is Aridam 16, Aridam means "Destroyer of Foes")

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(This is Aridam 16, Aridam means "Destroyer of Foes")

(This is Aridam 16, Aridam means "Destroyer of Foes")

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(This is Zale 16, Zale means, "Sea-strength")

(This is Zale 16, Zale means, "Sea-strength")

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(This is Keir 17, Keir means, "Dark, Dusty)

"Hello," Kion smiled. "Sup," Anshul replied. "Hey dude," Aridam said. "Hi Kion, nice to meet you," Zale said. "Hello," Keir said. "Ok, now that we know each other, let's get you to a place to sleep," Zaki said. "Thanks," Kion smiled, "Real quick question, do you guys like live on the ocean? Or do you just travel on the sea, then go back to land?"

"Oh we are always on the ocean," Aridam replied. "Oh ok." "Kion, you can sleep here," Zaki pointed to a nest made of leaves. "Thanks," Kion yawned, and curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Kion and Rani: Lost At SeaWhere stories live. Discover now