Chapter 11: Food

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The Steakers The Claws, Aster, and Agnar were all just laying around. Another Iceberg came up to them. "Be ready. We don't know if they are evil," Kion growled.

A lioness jumped up, followed by a male. "Who are you!" Kion growled. "I'm Aella," Aella said. "And I'm Yazid," Yazid said. "We and our crew have come to take over you berg!" Aella shouted.

(This is Aella 19, Aella means "Chaos Girl")

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(This is Aella 19, Aella means "Chaos Girl")

(This is Yazid 20, Yazid means "Becoming Greater")

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(This is Yazid 20, Yazid means "Becoming Greater")

"You think just you two can take us on?" Adira asked. "Oh not just me and him, all of us." Then a bunch of different lions showed up. "Damn," Zale said.

"We are going to die!" Avivit cried. "Don't worry, we'll be fine," Zaki said. "Bring it," Kion growled, "Captain on captain." Aella stepped forward. "I accept your challenge, scarred face," Aella mocked.

Kion growled, "I think you'll find that your going to lose." Kion got into a fighting stance, and used the roar of the elders.

The Iceberg tipped over, taking the lions over

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The Iceberg tipped over, taking the lions over. "Woah, how long have you been able to do that!" Agnar asked. "Since I was a cub," Kion replied. "Wow," Rani was astonished. Zaki nudged him. Kion growled. "Ok, let me get back to being lazy," Zale said. Everyone laughed. They all layed down together.

Rani kept looking at Kion. Zaki nudged him. "What?" Kion asked. "Rani's looking at you," Zaki chuckled.

Kion met Rani's gaze. She blushed and looked away. Agnar walked up to them, "Kion, is there anything going on between you and Rani?"

"No," Kion replied. "Really, because she seems to be into you," Agnar replied. "Maybe..." Kion whispered.

Rani stared at Kion. Avivit walked up to her. "You ok girl?" She asked. "I'm, Not sure," Rani replied, still looking at Kion.

Avivit followed Rani's gaze and gasped, "Oh my Kings, you have a crush on Kion!" Avivit squeaked. "Shh, don't tell everyone!" Rani covered Avivit's mouth.

Avivit nodded. Rani sighed. "What's wrong?" Avivit asked. Rani never answered.

"Hey Kion!" Aridam shouted. Kion walked over to him. "Yes Aridam?" Kion asked. "We're running low on food, we should go hunt," Aridam suggested. Kion nodded. "To the nearest island!" Kion shouted.

They found an island in the distance. "Ok, one lion will stay and guard the iceberg," Kion said. "I will, I'm no the best hunter anyway," Izel said. Kion nodded.

Kion, Aridam, Anshul, Agnar, Zaki, Zale, Keir, Rani, Avivit, Eria, Auriel, Adira, and Aster jumped off.

"Ok split up, catch as much as you can, but not to much to where we ruin the population," Kion ordered. They all went their separate ways.

Rani found a gazelle. She stalked it. Rani bolted out to kill it, but crashed into someone. They landed ontop of her.

Rani realized it was Kion. "Ahh my head," Kion groaned. "Your head! What about my back!" Rani replied. "Oh I'm so sorry," Kion quickly got off her.

Rani looked around, "Dang it its gone." "I should've looked where I was going," Kion apologized.

"Don't apologize, it's fine," Rani smiled. Kion shook his head. "It still hurts?" Rani asked. Kion nodded.

Rani went and got poppy seeds. "Eat these, they will help with your pain." "Uh ok?" Kion ate them. After a few seconds, they started working.

"That's much better," Kikn smiled. "Hey Kion!" Anshul shouted, "We got enough food!" "Let's go," Kion chuckled. Rani smiled and followed him.

Zaki looked at them. "You guys didn't get anything?" Rani was about to answer, but Adira interrupted.

"They were to busy, enjoying themselves," She chuckled. "What! No we weren't! We accidentally crashed," Rani replied. "That's your story," Adira chuckled.

Rani frowned, but Kion nudged her, "Its fine, as long as we know it's not true." Rani smiled. They all hopped back onto the Iceberg.

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