Chapter 3: Lioness Pirates

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"Hey, what's that?" Kion asked. "Huh?" Keir looked at where Kion was looking. "Lion pirates!" Aridam shouted. "Prepare for attack!" Zale shouted. Kion growled. The Iceberg boat slowly floated toward them.

The Iceberg boat went to the side of The Claws berg. They went to the side of their Iceberg, and looked at the other Iceberg.

"Show yourself!" Zaki growled. Suddenly, 6 lionesses jumped up. The males eyes shot open. "Who are you!" One of the lionesses asked aggressively. The males couldn't respond. "Hello?" One asked. "Sorry, we are The Claws, who are you?" Zaki asked.

"We are The Stealers," one said, "I'm the captain, Rani." "Oh hello Rani, who is the rest of your crew?" Zale asked. "Well I'm Rani, this is Auriel, Eria, Avivit, Adira, and Izel," Rani introduced.

(This is Rani 15, Rani means "Queen")

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(This is Rani 15, Rani means "Queen")

(This is Auriel 17, Auriel means "Gold")

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(This is Auriel 17, Auriel means "Gold")

(This is Auriel 17, Auriel means "Gold")

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(This is Eria 16, Eria means "Snow")

(This is Avivit 16, Avivit means "Innocent")

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(This is Avivit 16, Avivit means "Innocent")

(This is Adira 15, Adira means "Strong, noble")

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(This is Adira 15, Adira means "Strong, noble")

(This is Adira 15, Adira means "Strong, noble")

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(This is Izel 17, Izel means "Unique")

"Well, i'm Zaki, this is Kion, Anshul, Aridam, Zale, and Keir," Zaki introduced, "And we are happy to meet you." "Well you shouldn't be," Adira growled. "Yeah we are gonna kick your tails," Auriel growled.

"Uh, your a bunch of lionesses, we will beat you in a fight any day," Keir replied. "Yeah right, you all look like a bunch of softies," Rani chuckled. Anshul growled.

"Ok, let's fight," Kion got into a pouncing position, the rest of the males followed. The lionesses followed. They pounced. Kion attacked Rani, Anshul went for Auriel, Aridam went for Eria, Zale went for Avivit, Zaki went for Adira, and Keir went for Izel.

Kion growled and bit into Rani's neck. Rani clawed at his chest. The lionesses saw Kion biting into Rank's neck. "Hey get off our captain!" Auriel shouted. She ran up and head butted Kion off Rani. Kion growled.

Zaki, Anshul, Aridam, Zale, and Keir all lined up. The lionesses did the same. Rani was bleeding from her neck. She lost so much blood, she blacked out. "Rani!" Auriel, Eria, Adira, Avivit, and Izel ran to her. "Good job Kion," Keir said. Kion nodded and smiled. "Help us please!" Avivit begged.

The males looked at them confused. "Please!" Avivit burst into tears. "Let's help them," Zale said. "Ok, fine," Anshul rolled his eye's. The males walked up to the unconscious Rani. "Get me leaves," Zaki ordered. Aridam ran off, and quickly came back with leaves. Zaki put them on Rani's throat to stop the bleeding.

The males let the lionesses join them on their Iceberg. The lionesses slept on one side with Rani, and the males were on the otherside of the iceberg. "I don't know about you guys, but I am dieing to mate with those lionesses," Anshul smirked.

"Woah dude," Kion said shocked. "Kion, we all want to mate with them," Zaki replied. They nodded. "Uhh, that's where your wrong, I dont," Kion scoffed.

"There is something wrong with you Kion," Zale said. "Yeah yeah," Kion rolled his eye's. "Let's go talk to them," Keir smirked. They all walked up to the lionesses. Kion joined, just to not be left out.

"Hey girls," Aridam said. They looked up. Avivit jumped infront of the unconscious Rani, "What do you want!" "To see how you are doing," Kion said.

Auriel gave him a disgusted look, "Like you care, you almost killed Rani!" "Hey your the one who attacked first!" Kion growled. Eria, Auriel, Adria, Izel, and Avivit stood infront of Rani. Rani started to wake up.

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