Chapter 5: Getting Along

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Rani was pretty upset she lost to Kion. She had never lost a fight before. "I can't believe I lost!" Rani paced back and forth. "Rani, it's fine," Izel said. "No it's not! I lost to a male!" Rani shouted.

"You lost to a very attractive male," Auriel smirked. "Hey stop that!" Rani growled. "It's not my fault he wants to mate with you," Auriel scoffed. "Seriously!" Rani shouted. The lionesses chuckled.

"Why don't you go talk to him? Maybe he will try dominating you again," Eria smirked. "I don't want to be dominated!" Rani growled. "Yeah right, look at him, he's hot!" Avivit shreaked.

Rani rolled her eyes, "I'll go talk to him, but nothing will happen between us, got it," Rani said sternly. "Ok," The Stealers said in unison.

"So Kion, are you planning on mating with Rani soon?" Zale asked with a smirk. "Uhhh," Kion hesitated. "So you are!" Aridam shouted.

"I don't know, maybe," Kion shrugged. "Well, here's your chance, she's coming," Anshul smirked. Kion turned around, and saw Rani approaching him.

"Uh Kion, can I talk to you for a second, alone?" Rani asked. "Sure," Kion smiled. They walked off.

Once they were a safe distance from The Claws and The Stealers, they started talking. "So, what did you want me for?" Kion asked.

"Um, ok so all of my friends are saying that when we had our fight, that you dominated me, is that true?" Rani asked. "Uhhh," Kion looked away. "Oh jeez," Rani said. "Sorry Rani, but I wasn't like mating you, I was just trying to win dominance over both crews," Kion explained.

"Oh ok. And uh, sorry for your scar," Rani apologized. "It's fine, I think it makes me look more dangerous," Kion smirked. Rani laughed, "Your right, it does."

They both laughed. "Sorry about almost killing you," Kion apologized. "It's fine, I've been through worse," Rani said. "Wait you have?" Kion asked. Rani looked at him, panicked.

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