Chapter 8: Sing

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"Hey guys, I've got an idea to bring us all together," Avivit said. "What is it?" Zaki asked. "Singing!" Avivit shreaked. "I love that idea," Rani replied. "Yeah, doesn't sound to bad," Kion shrugged.

"Ok so are we doing group songs?" Anshul asked. "Sure, why not, then after that, the two captains can sing their own song," Aridam said. "Ok," Izel replied. "Let's get ready! Everyone plan their songs," Adria said. Everyone nodded. Once they all figured out their songs, they got ready.

"Ladies first," Kion said. The lionesses smirked. "Get ready to lose, if it's ok with you, we have two songs," Eria said. "Perfectly fine, we have two as well," Keir said. The lionesses started singing. (I won't be doing the lyrics, so you can just listen)

"That was pretty good," Kion said. "Good, now for our next one," Rani smirked.

"We might have some competition," Keir said. "No way, we got this," Kion smirked.

"Wow, that was, amazing!" Adira said shocked. "Next song," Kion smirked.

"You guys did amazing," Rani said. "Thanks." "So who won the group singing?" Aridam asked. "Definitely the girls," Kion said. "Yay!" The lionesses shouted. "Now, the captains solos," Avivit said. "You first Rani," Kion said. Rani smiled.

Kion's jaw dropped. "Rani, that was, beautiful!" He shouted. "Your turn," Rani smirked.

"Woah," Rani was super shocked, she never knew a male could sing that well. "I know, I'm amazing," Kion smirked. "Not really," Rani smirked, though she was lying.

"Ok lets discuss who one," Avivit said. The lions went into a circle and talked. "Rani won!" Anshul shouted. Rani pinned Kion to the ground, "I win!" "In your dreams," Kion smirked. He put his paws on her shoulders, and used his body weight to turn them around, Kion pinning Rani.

"You'll never beat me in a fight." "If they kiss I'm gonna puke," Zale said. Rani looked at Kion. Kion quickly got off her.

Zaki started mocking Kion, but not loud enough for the lionesses to hear. "Kion likes Rani! Kion likes Rani!" He kept chanting.

Kion rolled his eye's. "Kion, the other day we heard Rani say she loved you, anything we should know about," Keir smirked.

"Yes, I killed the lion who raped her as a young cub, she was just really happy," Kion explained. Keir, Aridam, Anshul, Zaki, and Zale quickly shut up after that. Kion layed down and looked at Rani.

"So uh, Rani, anything you want to tell us?" Auriel asked. "Like what?" Rani asked confused. "Kion, duh!" Avivit shouted.

"Ohh, no, there is nothing going on," Rani stated. "So, how come when you won, your first instinct was to pin him down?" Izel asked. Rani gave a blank stare. "Rani?

Adira waved her paw infront of her face. "Pirates," Rani whispered. The lionesses turned around, and there was an Iceberg approaching them.

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