Chapter 16: Suprise

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The royal family slept in Priderock. Rani and Kion were wide awake though. "C'mon, let's go watch the stars," Kion smiled. Rani nodded. They walked out.

Rani and Kion laughed and smiled as they watched the stars.

"Rani?" Kion asked. Rani turned to him, "Yea?" "Have you thought about having cubs?" Kion asked. "Yea, why?" Rani asked. "Because, I would like them," Kion replied.

"Really," Rani asked. Kion nodded. "Do you want cubs?" Kion asked. Rani smiled, "Of course I do."

Kion rolled over a pinned Rani down. Rani giggled. Kion started.

The next morning, Kion and Rani woke up at the same time.

"Let's go back," Kion said. Rani nodded.

On their way back, Kion and Rani heard shouting, and someone calling their names.

Kion and Rani turned around. "Auriel! Avivit! Aster! Eria! Izel! Adira! Agnar! Zaki! Keir! Anshul! Zale! Aridam!" Rani shouted.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rani asked jumping around.

"We said we would visit," Zaki chuckled. "Also, we have a suprise," Avivit smiled. "Whst is it?" Kion asked.

"Im pregnant!" Avivit squealed. "Oh my gosh that's amazing! Who's the dad?" Rani asked. Avivit looked at Zaki.

"That would be me," Zaki smiled. Rani hugged them both, "This is amazing! Im so happy for you guys!"

"Yeah, it will be nice have some cubs running around on the iceberg," Auriel chuckled. "Rani, Kion, we miss you guys," Izel said, "Why don't you come back?"

Rani looked at Kion. "I did like being a pirate.." Kion replied, "Alright, we will spend a few more days with my family, then head back to the ocean."

Rani jumped with joy, and hugged Kion, "Thank you so much!" "Of course," Kion smiled.

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