Chapter 12: Overwhelmed

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Everyone jumped back onto the Iceberg.

"That should be enough meat to last us a few moons," Zale said. "Nice catch," Izel smiled.

"So now what?" Eria asked. "Not sure," Zaki replied.

The males went to one side of the iceberg, the lionesses at the other.

"Rani why aren't you and Kion mates yet?" Avivit asked. "Because he doesn't like me," Rani growled. "Uh yeah he does," Aster replied. "No he doesn't," Rani snarled.

"What makes you say that?" Auriel asked. "Because I gave him that scar!" Rani roared. "Woah Rani, calm down," Izel said.

Rani's breathing started to get weak. Her world went dizzy. "Rani? Rani?" Avivit asked in panic. Rani fell to the ground.

"RANI!" The lionesses shouted. Kion's ears perked up. He saw Rani on the ground. He ran to them. "What happened!" Kion shouted. "She just passed out!" Adira replied.

Kion paced back and forth, "No, no, this can't happen, what do we do!" Zaki stopped Kion. "Kion, calm down, we've got this alright, just stay calm."

Kion nodded. Zaki went to Rani. He listened to her breathing. "Dock leaves," He said. Anshul handed Zaki Dock Leaves.

Zaki gave them to Rani. Kion watched, anxious. Rani coughed and woke up. Zaki walked away.

Kion dashed to her. "Rani!" He licked her cheek. "Huh, what's going on?" Rani asked, "KION!"

Kion realized what he was doing. He blushed and backed away. Rani stood up and rubbed her head.

"Rani, how you feeling?" Aster asked walking up to her. "I'm ok," Rani smiled. Kion nuzzled her, "I'm glad your feeling better."

The Claws and The Stealers giggled. Kion quickly stepped away from Rani. "S-sorry Rani," Kion stampered. Rani looked at Kion.

"You're fine Kion," Rani smiled. Then, she leaned forward and kissed him.

Everyone cheered with excitement. "Finally!" Avivit shouted. "Can't believe Rani was the one who made the first move," Zaki chuckled.

Rani pulled away from Kion. She giggled when she saw his face.

Kion was shocked, but also excited at the same time. "I like you Kion, a lot," Rani smiled.

Zaki nudged Kion, "C'mon, say it!" Kion looked back at Rani, "I-I like you too Rani."

Rani squealed and hugged him. "Yeah!" Anshul shouted. "It took you guys forever," Eria groaned, then smiled.

Rani and Kion parted. "I love you Kion," Rani smiled. "I love you too," They nuzzled.

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