Chapter 15: Kion's Family

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Rani jumped around in the grass, smiling. Kion chuckled.

"How much further?" Rani asked. "Not long," Kion replied. Rani jumped around again.

"So how long had it been since you've been on land?" Kion asked. Rani stopped and thought, "Hmm, since I was about six." "How old are you know?" Kion asked.

Rani gasped, "You're not supposed to ask a lioness her age!" "Oh right, opps," Kion chuckled. Rani smiled, "I'm 15."

"SO ITS BEEN 8 YEARS!" Kion shouted. Rani nodded. Kion stared at her, flabbergasted. "What?" Rani asked.

"8 YEARS!" Kion shouted. Rani chuckled, "C'mon let's go."

Kion continued walking, but couldn't shake the fact that Rani hadn't been on land for 8 years.

"Woah!" Rani gasped. Kion followed her gaze. "PRIDEROCK!" Kion shouted with a smile.

"That's your home?" Rani asked. Kion nodded, "C'mon!" They ran to Priderock.

"Mom! Dad!" Kion shouted as he ran up Priderock, followed by Rani.

Simba looked over Priderock, tears in his eyes. "KION!" Simba shouted. Nala looked down. She screamed and ran to him.

Nala pinned Kion down and licked his cheek, "My baby! Your alive!" "Ahh! Mom!" Kion complained. Rani giggled.

Simba ran down followed by Kiara. They all hugged.

"Kion, what happened to your face?" Simba asked

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"Kion, what happened to your face?" Simba asked. Kion turned to Rani, "Before I explain that, I want you to meet Rani."

"Ooo," Kiara giggled. "Yes Kiara, she is my mate," Kion nuzzled Rani. Kiara was shocked.

"Kion, what happened?" Nala asked.

Kion explained how he got stuck in the ocean, saved by the Claws, explained how he met Rani. How Rani gave him his scar, and how they are here now.

"Oh wow," Kiara gasped. Simba walked up to Rani. He dipped his head, "It is nice to meet you." "To you as well," Rani dipped her head.

"You guys must be tired, go inside Priderock and rest," Nala shoed Kion and Rani in Priderock.

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