Chapter 7: Revenge

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"Zaki, which way to the Northernlands!" Kion ordered. "South," Zaki replied. "Oh I thought it would be North, anyway, we need to go there!" Kion said. "Why?" Zaki asked. Kion smirked, "Revenge." "Got it," They led the Iceberg to the Northernlands.

They arrived. "Ok guys, stay here, except Zaki," Kion ordered. Kion and Zaki jumped off the berg onto land. "So why are we here?" Zaki asked. "Revenge for Rani," Kion replied. "Why?" Zaki asked.

"She was constantly raped by her leader and all the males," Kion growled. Zaki nodded, and they ran to a big rock with a den opening. There were males everywhere.

Kion and Zaki barged into the den. "Where is your leader!" Kion growled. A male lion walked up to them, "That would be me, names Ciaran." (Ciaran means "Dark")

" (Ciaran means "Dark")

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(This is Ciaran 20)

"Why are you so evil!" Kion shouted. Ciaran raised an eyebrow. "You raped a 10 year old cub!" Kion growled. "Oh yeah I remember Rani, she was so easy to have our way with, to bad she ran away," The males laughed.

"You don't feel any bit of mercy!" Kion shouted. "You sound like you have Rani, it's been 5 years since I've seen her, I bet shes better to rape now," Ciaran smirked. Kion and Zaki growled.

"You will not lay a paw on Rani!" Kion got into a pouncing position. "Oh I see, you want to fight for her, ok, bring it!" Ciaran growled.

Kion and Ciaran charged at each other. Ciaran pinned Kion down, and whispered in his ear, "I'm going to kill you, then break Rani's legs so she can't move, then rape her whenever I want, how long I want," he laughed.

Kion screamed in anger, and sliced at Ciaran's throat. Ciaran fell on Kion, dead. Kion pushed him off. "Let's go Zaki," Kion and Zaki walked off with the males growling.

They jumped back on the berg. "Kion, your bleeding, are you ok?" Keir asked. "It's not my blood," Kion replied. "Who's is it then?" Rani asked. "Ciaran's," Kion smirked. Rani pulled Kion away. "Did you kill Ciaran?" She asked. "Yep," Kion smiled.

Rani hugged him, "I love you!" "Uhhh," Kion said confused. Rani stopped hugging him, "Sorry Kion." "It's ok Rani," Kion smiled. Rani smiled back. Rani walked to The Stealers, and Kion went back to The Claws.

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