Chapter 10: Play

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Rani quickly slid to the side. Kion wasn't expecting this, and fell over the side. "KION!" Everyone ran over to where he slipped off. Then a gold paw with extended claws grabbed the side of the berg, and Kion pulled himself up.

"Are you ok?" Avivit asked. "Yeah I'm fine," Kion smiled. He ran after Rani. "Ahh!" Rani screamed. She ran away smiling. Rani climbed a wood pillar on the boat. "Woah," Kion said shocked.

Rani jumped off and kept running. "Come here kitty," Kion mocked. Rani stopped. She ran towards Kion, and slid. She sprayed snow in his face, then ran off. Kion shook the snow out of his mane, fur and eyes.

"That's what you get for calling me kitty!" She shouted. Kion growled playfully. He started gaining on her. "I've got you now," He mumbled.

Rani turned around and saw Kion gaining on her. She instantly stopped, and crouched down on her stomach. Kion slid over her. Rani quickly turned around and ran. "She is amazing," Kion whispered. He ran after her.

"Jeez, they are going to be so tired when they are done," Zaki said. "Yep," Anshul replied.

Kion started running out of breath. He tripped, and fell. He quickly got back up. He took a breath, then ran fast after Rani. He used his hind legs to give him a boost, and pounced.

He had Rani pinned under his paws. He was gasping for breath, and so was Rani. Kion's legs were so tired, he couldn't hold himself up. He collapsed on Rani.

"Uhh, what's going on?" Keir asked Zaki. "I think Kion ran to much, and got tired," Zaki replied.

Kion didn't even realize he had fallen on Rani. Rani noticed though, "Jeez your heavy," Rani thought to herself. Kion opened his eyes, and saw he was on Rani. He quickly got up, "I'm so sorry Rani." "Your fine," Rani chuckled, "I can't believe you got me."

"Never underestimate a male," Kion smirked. "Actually I can, I can't believe you ran out of breath while running!" Rani shouted playfully.

"I'm more of a fighter or hunter, not a runner," Kion admitted. "I thought lionesses did the hunting?" Rani asked. "That is true, but I am better than all the lionesses in my pride," Kion boasted.

"What about fighting?" Rani asked. "You've seen, and feel me fight, I think you have your answer," Kion joked. "Right," Rani laughed. Aster, Eria, Auriel, Adira Avivit, Anshul, Aridam, Agnar, Zaki, Keir, and Zale approached them.

"You lovebirds done yet?" Zaki smirked. "Umm uh," Kion blushed. "We are just friends Zaki," Rani said.

Agnar raised an eyebrow. Aster chuckled, "I don't think you're 'just friends'." "Yeah, you can tell in their faces that they like each other," Auriel said. "No Aster, we are just friends," Kion replied. Aster nodded, unconvinced. Rani tussled Kion's mane.

 Rani tussled Kion's mane

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"Hey!" Kion shouted. He shook it back into place. Everyone chuckled. Kion looked at Rani. He pinned her down, but with the momentum, Rani used her hind legs to flip them over again, slamming Kion into the ground. He looked up shocked, "What the heck just happened?"

"You got beat by a lioness," Rani smirked. "And I found a place to plan your wedding," Adira joked. Rani quickly got off Kion. "Our wedding!" She shouted, "I said we are just friends!" "Yeah, so stop making fun of us for playing," Kion growled.

Zaki took Kion aside, "I thought you said you wanted to mate with her?" He asked. "No, I've changed my mind. I'm to young for one-" Zaki cut him off. "Your 15 dude." "16, actually," Kion corrected.

"Whatever, that is old enough to mate!" Zaki shouted. "Really?" Kion asked. "Uh yeah I'm 17 and I've already mated with a few lionesses," Zaki explained.

"Well you don't have a dad saying you can't mate," Kion scoffed. "Actually, my dad let me," Zaki replied. Kion was shocked. "Yeah, he didn't really care about what I did," Zaki shrugged.

"My dad only let's me defend the pridelands," Kion sighed, "But I like beating my enemies in battle, and seeing their faces when I use the roar." "Hold on, you have the roar of the elders?" Zaki asked.

Kion nodded. "That is amazing! I bet Rani will like you even more now," Zaki said. "Once again, she doesn't like me," Kion replied. "But YOU like her." "Yes," Kion nodded. Zaki rolled his eyes and chuckled.

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