Chapter 14: Home With Someone You Love

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Kion growled at Rani. "We're done!" "Good!" Rani snarled.

Zaki looked at Agnar with worry. Kion walked up to them. "Take me to the Pridelands!"

Zaki nodded. They headed toward the Pridelands.

Kion jumped off the iceberg, "Zaki, your captain now!" Zaki nodded.

Rani growled at Kion. Kion growled back. He walked into the Pridelands.

Rani scoffed and looked away.

"Rani, why didn't you go with Kion?" Avivit asked. "Just shut up Avivit! I'm tired of your stupid questions!" Rani roared. Avivit pinned her ears back and held in tears.

"Wait Avivit I'm sorry!" Rani apologized. Avivit ran away from her. Rani sighed. Adira walked up to her.

"Rani? Are you ok?" Adira asked. Rani broke down in tears. "Why did he leave! He knows I don't like land! Why couldn't he just stay!"

Adira hugged Rani, "I understand, but he can't just leave his family." "But I was his family! We were mates! But I guess he didn't care about that," Rani cried.

"He might come back," Adira replied. "He won't. It will be impossible for him to find us," Rani sighed.

Adira didn't know what to say. An idea came to Rani's mind. She didn't like it, but it was worth a shot.

"Zaki! Turn this Iceberg around back to the Pridelands!" Rani shouted. Zaki nodded.

They arrived. Rani looked down at the dark green grass, horror in her eyes. "You hunt on land, this should be easy," Aster said.

"Yes, but we hunt on islands. Those have water all around them. This doesn't," Rani trembled in fear.

"Rani, I know your past was bad, but Kion is here to protect you," Zaki explained. Rani got ready to jump off, but sunk her claws into the ice at the last moment.

"I-I can't" Rani cried. Avivit looked Rani in the eyes, "Rani, you are the strongest lioness I've ever met. You aren't afraid of anything. You are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I believe in you."

Rani nodded. She looked back down at the grass. "Here it goes," Rani jumped off the iceberg. She landed on the soft grass.

"I did it!" Rani shouted with excitement. The Claws and Stealers smiled. "Aren't you guys coming?" Rani asked.

"Rani, you need to be with Kion, we are going to stay on the ocean, but we will visit, I promise," Zaki said. Rani nodded and ran after Kion.

Rani saw Kion's gold fur up ahead.

"Kion!" Rani shouted. She ran faster, infront of Kion.

"Rani!" Kion shouted in disbelief. "Kion, I faced my biggest fear for you. I don't want to lose you," Rani said, almost crying, "Please, I can't imagine my life without you."

Kion smiled and kissed Rani, "I can't believe your actually here!" Rani smiled. "I love you Rani." "I love you too Kion," Rani replied.

"Where are the others?" Kion asked. "They belong on the ocean, but they said they would visit," Rani explained. Kion nodded, "C'mon, let's meet my family."

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