Chapter 9: Welcome Aboard

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"Kion!" Avivit ran upto him. "Yes Avivit?" He asked. Avivit gasped for breath, "Pirates!" Kion jumped up. He ran to the side of the berg, and sure enough, an Iceberg was approaching. "Prepare for attack!" Kion shouted. The berg came closer.

"Help!" "What was that?" Zale asked. "Help!" "It sounds like they are calling for help," Eria said. The berg came to tbe side of their Iceberg.

A male lion jumped up, looking worried. "I need help, my sister is going to die!" He shouted. Kion thought fast, he grapped leaves, and water, anything that could be used. He jumped onto their boat.

The lion led him to the middle, where a beautiful lioness lay, barely breathing with claw marks, and blood everywhere. Kion started putting the leaves on her wounds, and made her drink. He healed her.

"Thank you so much!" "Anytime. Hey would you like to join our crew?" Kion asked. "Sure," the male said. "Ok what's your name?" Kion asked the male. "I'm Agnar, this is my sister, Aster," Agnar said. "I'm Kion, the captain of the crew, follow me," Kion led them on the berg.

 "I'm Kion, the captain of the crew, follow me," Kion led them on the berg

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(This is Agnar 17, Agnar means, "Warrior")

(This is Agnar 17, Agnar means, "Warrior")

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(This is Aster 15, Aster means, "Star")

"Claws, Stealers, we have two new members," Kion said, "Agnar and Aster." "Hi!" The lionesses said. "Hi," The males greeted. "Kion, we don't have a captain, so you lead us," Agnar said. Kion nodded. He saw Aster looking at him. He walked away to his group.

"Kion, I can see Aster checking you out," Zaki said. "Yeah I know," Kion replied. Kion looked at Aster, she was looking at him with a look of desire.

"So, you gonna go for her?" Anshul asked. "Why would I do that, her brother is here, and if I tried anything, he'd be furious," Kion stated. "You make a good point, but what if her brother is on board with it?" Aridam asked.

Kion didn't talk, he turned his head to watch Rani. She was playing tag with her friends. He walked over to them, "Can I join you?" The lionesses looked at Rani, "Of course!" Aster walked up to them, "Hey can I play too?" "Sure," Rani smiled.

Kion saw Agnar going to his crew. "Who's it?" Kion asked. Rani ran up and tagged him, "You!" "Wow, that's a dirty way to play," Kion joked. He growled in a playful way, and went for Rani.

Rani and Kion were running all around to berg. "Are Kion and Rani mates?" Aster asked. "Not officially, but we can tell they both like each other," Avivit explained.

Aster sighed. Kion jumped and pinned Rani to the ground. He smirked triumphantly.

 He smirked triumphantly

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"I win," He mocked. Rani nuzzled his face. Kion was shocked, then he was shoved down. "Never let your guard down," Rani mocked, she was now pinning him.

"That's not fair!" Kion complained. "It's not my fault that you got distracted," Rani smirked. Kion blushed from embarrassment. "Aww don't be embarrassed, even though you just got beat by a lioness infront of your crew," Rani smirked at him again.

"Well it is embarrassing," Kion said. "Then you shouldn't have lost," Rani licked his cheek. Kion tensed up. Rani chuckled and ran, "Your it!"

Kion was still shocked from her licking his cheek. "You coming gold fur?" Rani asked. Kion went running for Rani. Rani ducked under him. "What the heck!"

Kion shouted. Rani had just slid under him. "Gotta be better than that!" Rani kept running around. Kion ran after her. At the edge, Rani quickly slid to the left, Kion wasn't expecting this, and fell over the side.

Kion and Rani: Lost At SeaWhere stories live. Discover now