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Sherb: for the love of fable get your ass off the table.
Athena: for the love of soul get away from that hole
Rae:for the love of enderian get off the mud!
Rae: for the love of enderian, dont cut off your pinky!Athena: oh for the love of orchid QUIT REARRANGIN MY BOOKS>:[

Athena: Jamie is skrunkly:]
Jamie: I'm WHAT!?
Aax: *laughing cause taught her that*
Rae: *facepalm* aax why
Aax: you're skrunkly <33
Rae: *sigh*
Caspian: w-what have I missed??-
Aax: skrunkly 2.0:D

Caspian: Does your mind ever just go *wii theme song*?
Aax: What am I supposed to put here? /genq 😐
Athena: Do chicken nuggets have feelings?
Jamie: The entire animal population is my friend
Easton: Hoes stay mad cause I stay winning
Momboo: Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called a garbage *can*, not a garbage *can't*.
Ocie: If you like water then you'll love me
Chaos: Go follow your dreams! Keep sleeping!
Sherbert: I make terrible science puns, but only periodically when I'm in my element
Seven: I wouldn't be here if I wasn't Google
Will: This wasn't like High School Musical at all
Ven: Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough
Centross: Life is a party and I'm the piñata.
Rae: Actually, all my systems are nervous

Rae: my mother's a god???
Enderian:*holds up orchids and hers wedding rings*
Rae: GAY GOD MOMS!??!?!

Sherb: dad I'm gay
Fable: hi gay I'm dad
Enderian: an I'm auntie Enderian
Orchid: and I'm her wife!
Sherb:GAY FAMILY!??!

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