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(Censored for spoilers. Idk if it would apply but i put it just incase <3)
||Icarus: Poison Im drowning in poison. Fillin up my glass but it's always hollow full of poison. I'm sick of the poison...
Centross: you're a ✨ *loser baby* ✨ (also /ref)||

*Ahem* (Censored for spoilers!)
||Rae: Hey mom, dead mom- (/ref)||

I have more angst >:]
Young Icarus: “I’m going off to a war meeting to help dad, that’s my job.”
Young Rae: “ooh! I’ll come too! :>”
Young Icarus: “No, you can’t help dad.”
Young Rae: “Why not?”
Young Icarus: “You’re not good at it.”
Young Rae: “I am, really I am!”
Young Icarus: “No, you better stay here.”

Rae: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Icarus: Rae, that's a coma.
Rae: Sounds festive.

Rae: Icarus, Fable killed Enderian!
Icarus: Ha! Good.

Rae: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Caspian: What?
Aax: That you're a child.

When ever and Ghaae and wolf are talking about anything serious:
"Lets couch about it"/j

"U up" - wolf rae: I must leave immediately

Rae: “why didn’t you help more?”
Violet: “your grandpa said I couldn’t because there would be multiversal consequences or something like that”

Rae: why haven’t you been there for Fenris!? Or when Fable killed Enderian!?
Violet: *fighting Fable a second time wasn’t in the* ***job description***, *Rae*

Rae: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Caspian: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Aax: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!
Wolf: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Rae: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.

Aax: Cas, Rae! Wanna hear something?
Rae & Caspian : *nods*
Aax: *starts playing diggy diggy hole and is jamming out*
Rae: *laughing and staring at them*
Caspian: *Laughing his ass off*

S1!Rae to S1!Icarus after they tried threatening them: Threats only work on someone who's got something to loose. But me? I've already lost it all.

Alerion: Is everything okay with Icarus?
Fable: Yeah, he fell asleep five minutes after I tucked him in and he hasn't moved in the past ten hours.
Fable: He talks in his sleep.
Child Icarus: *(sleepy mumbles)* I'm gonna rip your head off.
Icarus: I'm gonna rip your damn head off Auntie.

Icarus: I'm gonna rip your damn head off Quixis.
Fable: Just like when he was a child.

Idk if anyone had done this
Caspian's mom: you are not good enough son and I don't want you around him
Rae or aax: so why don't you give me one more

Young Icarus: *(pointing at Rae)* I know what you are.
Young Rae: What?
Icarus: You're a boykisser.
Icarus: You like kissing boys.
Rae, embarassed: Nuh uh, nuh uh!
Icarus: You totally do, you weirdo.
Rae: Shut up!
Icarus: *continues to tease their brother about his homosexuality*
Rae: *continues to vehemently deny it*
Icarus: You're a boykisser who hasn't even kissed any boys!

*Young Rae later gets kissed by a boy*
Rae: Shit. But,
Rae: Hey Icky! I finally kissed a boy!
Icarus: Hah! Told you that you were a boykisser!

Centross: here’s a fun Christmas idea! 
Centross: We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is under it.
Wolf: Centross no.
Ocie: mistlefoe.
Wolf: please don’t encourage him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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