Monday August 9th 1987
Dear diary: Today is the first day of junior year
I'm probably going this year like I hated freshman and sophomore year
last year I had all my classes with mike which yay that's nice but all the classes i had with mike, el was always there so I never got a chance to talk to Mike alone... I mean I get it their a couple and their cute I guess but why dose el have to date Mike
Aka Michael wheeler the guy I've been crushing on ever since I was ten, when I realized I'm a fag.God why do I have to be gay
Why dose mike have to be so damn attractive..
Well I hope I have classes with max , she was the only person I talked to in class when Mike and el would sit in the corner and be all over each other
I'm so glad I have max as a friend she's the only person I can trust, she's a really good friend to me since Mike has now left me and ditched me for El
I mean I can't blame himEl is nice, smart, very pretty, and she's also very talented
I also can't blame el for dating mike...Mike is attractive, nice, tall, his hair is really nice, his eyes are also very beautiful
I could stare at them for days if I could, man I could go on and on about mike-Freak. It's 7:30
I got to go to school ,
school starts at 7:50 and I don't need to be late on my first day of school-sincerely will Byers
"WILL, EL COME ON LETS GO YOUR GOING TO BE LATE" Joyce yells from the kitchen waiting for will to hurry up
"OK OK IM COMING"will yells to his mom from his room then he grabs his backpack and runs to the kitchen
"I'm ready I'm ready!" Will tells his mom and she nods and grabs the keys and she drives El and will to school.
Wills pov:
Right when el and I got out the car I saw mike putting up his bike at the bike rack in-front of the schoolI haven't talked to Mike all summer
Well I mean he always came over to the house to see el but we never talked he just ignored me and hung out with elEven though when he would come over I would always wave at him but he never waved back he just went on with his day
But today once I saw him
he made direct eye contact with me for a few seconds
And he waved at me and then he started walking up towards me
Why was he just now paying attention to me?
Mikes pov:Today is the first day of school surprisingly I didn't get to school late today I was actually early
After putting up my bike I see el and will getting out of their car and right away I make eye contact with will
All summer I went to wills house
But I never hung out with will I just ignored him and hung out with elGod I'm an Asshole

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-byler
FanfictionWill Byers hates his life mainly because the one he loves most is in love with his sister and he's straight (so he thinks) Mike has also been ignoring Will the whole summer until school starts and he finds out something he would have never expected