328 8 11

December 25th 2001

Mike opens the front door catching a smack in a face with the smell of sweets, ginger bread, and all types of food, mike smiles as he closes the front door of the house looking at his husband who is running back in forth from different parts of the house like the kitchen, to the living room and upstairs

"DADA!!" A childish voice says and mike feels a small figure hug his legs and he looks down looking down at his daughter who looks very much like mike as Will and mike decided to give surrogate a year after they got married but after many fails it worked!!

"Hi Shelly merry Christmas !!" Mike smiles picking up his 2 year old daughter Michelle as they brought that name from past memories and for her name to match Mikes

"D-dada, dada, daddy made g-ginger bread a-and and, m-me, and hazy made a g-ginger bread house and g-gingerbread man but Liam d-didn't want to make it with u-us!!" Michelle explains frowning at the last part

"Wow that's cool Liam's a party pooper!! Did you save any for dada?" Mike asks putting Michelle on the ground and Michael nods before another child starts bolting toward mike but this child has brown hair as mike and Will decided to adopt her when they were starting to loose hope in the surrogate

"Dada!!" The girl squeals running up to mike and hugging him and mike smiles hugging her back slightly have to kneel down as mike is to tall

"Hey hazel I missed you marry Christmas!!" Mike smiles kissing the 5 year olds forehead and she giggles

"I missed you to!! Come on can we open presents!!!" Hazel begs and mike hears a voice laugh

"Come on girls dada just got home, plus hazel I'm still cooking and it's only 4 we'll open them at 7 ok?" Will says wiping his hands with a paper towel and hazel sighs before running to the living room, Will laughs and he looks at mike with a loving smile and he walks up to him and he kisses his cheek

"Welcome home" will smiles, and mike smiles back hugging wills waist looking at Will before kissing him

"Merry Christmas love." Mike smiles and Will blushes smiling

"Merry Christmas, now I got to get back to cooking can you do me a favor and tell Liam to take a shower then come downstairs because my moms going to be here in a bit" will says pulling away from the hug and mike nods

"Yeah of course, my family's not coming until 6" Mike says nodding and he walks upstairs and he knocks on the first door to the right

"Come in!!" A boy voice says from behind the door and mike opens the door with a smile, Mike and will had adopted Liam a year before hazel and liam was 7 back then and he was now 11

"Hey Liam, merry Christmas!" Mike smiles and liam smiles back

"Hey dad merry Christmas, what's up?" Liam smiles, Liam had barley started to call mike and will 'dad' a while ago since it did take time for him to warm up to a new family

"Um, your other dad had asked if you could take a quick shower then cone down stairs since family's coming in a few please if you don't mind?" Mike says and Liam nods

"Yeah, sure I will!!" Liam says and mike nods

"Perfect!!" Mike says giving a thumbs up before leaving the room and walking back downstairs

"Hey babe can you call el and ask her is Lana's coming?? I wanna make sure I have enough food for everybody!!" Will asks from the kitchen

"Of course, love I'll call" mike smiles and he grabs his Nokia out his back pocket as the phone had released in '99


Mike walks out of his room in a new outfit and he runs downstairs as he heard guests talking downstairs

Mike gets to the last stair and he sees wills whole family and he sees some of his own as, his mom Nancy, and holly as him and Ted are still not on speaking terms

Mike walks beside Will and he wraps a arm around will trying to listen to the conversation everyone's having

"-Yeah Holly's 21, she's old enough to drink with us this year" Karen laughs and mike eyes widen

"21!!!" Mike blurts and holly laughs

"Yeah, mike you were at my 21st birthday??" Holly laughs and mike shakes his head

"No! You were just 3 the other year" mike shakes his head

"More like 19 years ago" holly scoffs and mike shakes his head

"Damn your old" mike sighs "damn I'm old!!" My blurts and everyone laughs

"Come on mike your only 28 that's young for someone who's married, and has 3 kids and living in a nice ass house, come on Im 31 and I just got married at 26" Nancy laughs holding Jonathan's hand

"And still no kids" Karen mutters taking a sip out of her drink in her hand

"Hey actually -" Nancy starts until mike clears his throat

"-Um I think we should eat!" Will says putting his hands together and everyone agrees


Everyone is done opening present by everyone mainly the kids but the adult too

Mike and will are sitting down in a one person comforter and el, Lana, Joyce, and hopper are sitting on the long couch and Karen Nancy and Jonathan are sitting in a smaller one as the kids are sitting on the floor

"Now?" Will whisper asks mike and mike thinks about it for a moment before he nods and he clears his throat getting everyone's attention

"Ok so.. Mike, Nancy and I have one more Christmas present" will says looking at mike for him to say something

"Well it's nothing that we can give y'all now and nothing for you to keep but it's like a surprise!!" Mike says and he looks at Nancy

"Now?" El mutters

"Yeah not now because it's coming in nine months.." Nancy says softly smiling and everyone gasps

"YOUR PREGNANT!!" Karen yells


"Wait no!! It's not Jonathan!!" Will interrupts everyone looks blanky confused

"It's mike and wills.."Nancy smiles and everyone gasps again

"Oh my god y'all are expecting again!!" Lana smiles and will nods

"Wait!! I'm supposed to be y'all's carriers I feel betrayed!" El argues and will laugh

"You were and amazing carrier for Michelle but that was only because it was mikes sperm but we're using mine because Mike keeps complaining that he wants a child that looks like me" will laughs

Joyce stands up and she walks up to mike and Will and she hugs them tightly "congrats y'all two I can't wait for a new grand baby" Joyce cops and she walks over to Nancy's bc she hugs her as well

"Now to top of the grandchildren we just need Jonathan and Nancy to get it going after this one" Karen laughs

"Mom!" Nancy says and everyone laughs

"Come on mike and Will I'm only 21 and I'm already going to be a aunt of 4 now" holly says

"Come on though the kids love their auntie holl" will laughs

"Your right I'm the favorite aunt" holly smiles crossing her arms

"Wrong i am!" Nancy argues

" Immediately no I'm the favorite aunt!!" Jane scoffs and everyone laughs

"What do y'all think kids who's your favorite aunt??"will asks the kids who are on the flooring messing with their Christmas gifts

"Definitely aunt max!" Liam says and hazel and Michelle nod

"Yesss aunt maxy" hazel smiles

"Aunt maxy!!" Michelle squeals and everyone laughs

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now