Part 6

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Saturday August 28th 1987

2 weeks later

"Wait so he's planning on breaking up with el!"max says

"I'm mean that's what he told me! He told me he didn't love her and he was planning of breaking up with her" will says

" he also did mention that you talked to him about it and that you were telling him that he didn't like el, so you probably just got into his head max!"

"Oops, we'll I was being honest" Max confirms

"Hey at least I have a chance since he's going to break up with el"

"Max!" Will hits max's arm

"I mean we, we have a chance now" max says and will hits max's arm again


"Max mike isn't gay! And you don't even know if el so to girls Maxine!" Will says

"Mike might not be gay, but he might be bi"

"What?" Will says confused

"Well he dated el right, meaning he's not gay, but he has a soft spot for you and he's always nice to you which could mean he likes you,  which means he could be bi- sexual , he's into boys and girls" max suggests

"Max no he's straight, I %99 percent sure that he is straight and has no interest into me" will says with disbelief

"What about that %1? %1 is a small amount but that's your opinion my opinion is that he is %50 straight and %50 gay" max says with a grin

"Max no!"Will says

"Will come on why can't you just believe that you could have a chance now that mike is losing feelings for El, come on Will you've been liking this dude for seven years, have belief in this will" max says

"Max how can I have belief in this, this man has been all over el for four years and now he's opening his eyes and losing feeling for her like come on he's been into girls his whole life and he's dating a girl of 4 years, and then now you think he could be bi!"Will says

"Oh come on will!" Max says

"Max this conversation is over, no more, can we just talk about something else?"Will says

"Fine" max rolls her eyes


Mike grabs the home phone and dials the Byers-Hopper residence

"Hello?" and lady over the phone says and mike can tell it is Joyce who answered

"Hey Joyce its mike, is el home?" Mike asks

"Yeah she's in her room why?" Joyce asks

"Can you put her on the phone please" Mike asks

"Let me get her" Joyce says and seconds later another voice comes on the phone

"Mike!?" El says

"Hey el how are you?" Mike asks

"I'm good you?" el simply reply's

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now