Nov.3 1987 12:30
Lunch finally came and will and mike were the first ones to run out of the class room and the two boys ran to the cafeteria and they took a seat next to one another while the rest of the party was taking a seat at the table while el started walking up to the table
"Can I sit with y'all?" El asked quietly looking at the rest of Lucas and Dustin who were giving her confused looks
"Yeah, yeah of course" Will smiled and el took a seat next to Lucas
"So she's just going to sit with us now again and act like she didn't ignore us for months?" Lucas complained and el just looked down at her feet while max threw her roll at Lucas
"What the fuck what was that for, there's no need to waste delicious food " Lucas said
"For you being a complete jerk" max scoffed
"Woah calm down you two" Dustin said
"Lucas el just needed some time away from us mainly mike because the breakup was really hard on her but after 2 months almost 3 she's finally ready to talk to us again" Will explained looking at el giving her a small smile
"Yeah I'm sorry I just needed time I guess" el said
"It's ok El Lucas was just being a fucking jerk" max says
"El... never mind it's ok everything's fine" Lucas sighed
"Yeah everything's okay El" Dustin nodded
"Ok!" El smiled
"Anyways what are y'all doing after school today?" Dustin asked biting into his sandwich
"Nothing just going to be bored as hell" mike sighed
"I have basketball practice" Lucas said
"I'm just going to be at home" el said
"Will and I are hanging out after school today since we weren't able to hang out yesterday" max says
"Oh about that I have to cancel" will says
"why?!" Max whines
"I'm going out with my mom today" will says and max nods and mike starts choking on his own spit
"Woah mike are you ok" will says quickly turning his head to mike and putting his hand on mikes shoulder who's choking slowly stops
"Y-yeah I'm fine I'm fine" mike says and seconds later he burst into laughing
"Mike what the hell is wrong will you!" Max says
"Sorry" Mike says controlling his laughter
"Are you sure?" Wills asks
"Yeah I'm fine sorry I don't know what happened" Mike says slowly leaning into wills ear
"Your a total bitch for that" Mike whispers in wills ear slowly laughing again and will softly laughs
"Ok what the hell is going on here" max says point her fingers at Will and mike
"Nothing" mike and will says in sync
"Max now I see we're you going about you always shipping them" Lucas says
"Right they are totally meant to be" max says
"No! Max we're not going to date we're straight so stop" mike says quickly with his face slowly heating up and mike grabs a bottle water and chugs it to try and calm down
"I'm so confused" El says
"Basically max and Lucas broke up and will and Mike has gotten closer the past few months and now all of us are-" Dustin starts off
"No, I thought mike likes will and will likes mike?" El says and mikes eyes widened and he spits out his water while wills eyes also widen
"What?!" Mike says choking on his water
"Mike stop choking jeez" will says quickly grabbing a napkin and cleans up the water that Mike spitted out
"El mike doesn't like me he's straight" will says
"Yeah and wills straights and he doesn't like me" mikes says and will looks and max and sighs
"Actually I'm not" Will sighs looking at mike and mikes eyes widen
"Huh?" Mike says
"Mike I'" Will gulps and mikes eyes widen even more and his face turns pink
"Y-you a-are?!" Mike says stuttering in shock
"Yeah..." Will sighs and mike just stares at Will
"The bitch is frozen" Lucas laughs
"He's finally realizing he has a chance with Will now" max laughs
"Wait y'all new? Why am I the last person to find out" mike says
"Mikes it's obvious wills gay Lucas and I found out 8 months ago" Dustin says
"Yeah I'm surprised you didn't know?" Lucas says
"Gay?" El says confused
"It's we're boys like boys" Will explains to el
"Oh... ok!" El says
"Max did you know!" Mike says
"Of course I knew" max laugh
"She was the first person I told, I told her when we were freshman's and then Lucas and Dustin found out and I admitted to them" will says
"Why didn't you tell me any sooner?" Mike asks
"Idk I was scared of your reaction" will says shrugging his shoulder
"Why are you making a big deal about-" Dustin starts off before he loudly gasps
"YOU LIKE WILL!" Dustin yells and mike and the party's eyes widen
"N-no! I- I d-don't i-I just d-don't know why my b-best f-friend didn't tell me h-he's g-gay!" Mike stutters
"He totally likes him he's stuttering" Lucas says
"Is that why you broke up with me because you like Will?!" El asks
"N-no!"mike says all red
"You sure?" Dustin asks
"For fucks sake I don't like Will" mike says and wills heart sink's
"Mikes definitely gay for will" Dustin laughs
"Oh my god leave him alone y'all are just making him panic or embarrassing even nervous because y'all are just assuming he gay and he likes me even though he said multiple time that he doesn't!" Will snaps putting his hand on mikes shoulder
"Sorry Will we were just-" Lucas says
"Don't say sorry to me" Will rolls his eyes
"Mike I'm sorry.." Lucas says
"Yeah we're sorry mike " Dustin says
"It's ok, I'm gonna go to the restroom" Mike sighs standing up and he walks out of the cafeteria
"I'll be back" max says standing up and she follows Mike
Will finally came out to mike!!

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-byler
FanfictionWill Byers hates his life mainly because the one he loves most is in love with his sister and he's straight (so he thinks) Mike has also been ignoring Will the whole summer until school starts and he finds out something he would have never expected