Part 29

195 6 7

Dec 30th 1987. Short chapter

"Are you going to maxs tomorrow"mike asks laying on the couch in his basement

"Yeah why?" Lucas asks

"Max is basically forcing me to go" mike groans

"Why?" Lucas asks

"She said she has a 'plan' or something" mike sighs

"Wills going to be there you know" Lucas says

"That's why she wants me to go" mike says

"Oh, um I have a hint on what her plan is" Lucas sighs

"What?!" Mike ask sitting up

"I don't think she'll want me to tell you, you know a surprise" Lucas says

"Come on Lucas tell me" mike begs

"I'm not even sure if it's true" Lucas shrugs

"Lucasss come one if it has to deal with will tell meee" Mike whines

"Mike no" Lucas bluntly says

"Fine" Mike sighs in defeat

"SHIT" mike loudly groans making Lucas jump

"What?!" Lucas gasps

"What am I going to wear!" Mike panics

"Clothes?"Lucas jokes

"Not funny" mike says giving Lucas a look

"Sorry sorry, just wear regular clothes it's nothing big" Lucas says

"Yeah but wills going to be there and I swear he's going to look nice or wear something presentable and nice" mike rambles

"Mike calm down" Lucas calmly says and mike sighs

" let's go upstairs to your room and pic out an outfit" Lucas says and mike stops and he stares at Lucas and makes and ugly look as he looks Lucas up and Down (not in a weird way!!) and mikes snickers

"Yeah.. no" Mike chuckles

"What?" Lucas says slightly raising his hands

"Lucas not to be rude but I'm not getting fashion advice from you" mike says looking

" mike i dress better than you" Lucas says

"Yeah but we're polar opposite when it comes to our styles" mike says

"Your right, but I'll make sure you look nice" Lucas adds

"Yeah but we have different interests and I don't want to show up tomorrow dressing like you, I want to dress like me" mike says

"Then who's going to pick out your outfit"Lucas asks

"Nancy" mike shrugs

"Nancy?" Lucas mocks

"Yeah, she helped me pick out my outfit a couple time to impress Will and there were pretty nice" mike says and Lucas laughs

"You have your sister pick out you outfits a nineteen year old women" Lucas laughs

"Shut up" Mike scoffs

"Sorry sorry" Lucas says still slightly laughing

"Just leave" mike says slowly starting to laugh

"Bye dude see you tomorrow" Lucas laughs walking upstairs


"NACY" mike yells barging in Nancy's room

"What?!" Nancy asks getting out of bed and walking to mike

"Can you pick out my outfit, again" mike sighs

"Ok, what for" Nancy says walking to mikes room

"I'm going to maxs tomorrow for new-years and you know who's going to be there" mike says not knowing if his dad is around

"Ohhh, ok ok so your talking to him again?" Nancy asks opening mikes closet

"No but max is forcing me to go tomorrow, I mean will and I have talked once and it was because he ran out of the cafeteria, but on Christmas Eve max gave me a gift that was from Will" mike says

"Since when we're you and max friends y'all literally hated eachother" Nancy asks pulling out a shirt

"I don't know we started getting along-ish when I found out I liked Will and when I told her about me being confused and shit" mike sighs

"Ohh well that's good and Lucas is your new bestfriend now" Nancy aka picking out a pair of black pants

"Well I guess but he can never replace Will, our friendship will never be like what will and I were like" mike argues

"Ah ok, but you can make Will your boyfriend and bestfriend and have Lucas as just your bestfriend" Nancy smirks

"Oh shut up you know what happened between Will and i" mike scoffs

"Yeah but y'all are soulmate" Nancy shrugs

"I literally hate you" mike sighs and Nancy chuckles

"Well there your outfit" Nancy sighs

"Thank you Nancy" mike says

"Of course I'm your stylist" Nancy jokes

"Only when I want to impress will" mike laughs


Get ready for the next chapter😨

It's going to be bad😱

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now