TW HOMOPHOBIC USE (I'm bi sexual)
Friday Oct.31st 1987
The school day was finally over 3:55 and the dismissal bell had rung which means will and mike ran out of there class to the bike rike and when mike is getting his bike the rest of the party is walking up to the two boys
"Why can't we come over today" Dustin says
"Because Will is coming over and Will is my best friend so I want to spend time with him" mike says getting on his bike
"Yeah but y'all two have been inseparable ever since the break up" Dustin says
"Are y'all two dating?" max says crossing her arms
"W-what no max again were straight" Will says with a red face
"Really Will because you've been ditching me to hang out with mike I haven't hung out with you alone in a month" max says
"Sorry sorry, how about this we can all hang out tomorrow and then on Sunday I'll go to your house max?" Will says
"I'm busy tomorrow" Lucas says
"Same"Dustin says
"Yeah I'm going out with my mom tomorrow" max says
"Ok so can we hang out Sunday just us two?" Will asks max
"Sure, well see you Sunday will bye byler" max says walking off
"God she's so fucking annoying, like she always has the fucking ship us!"mike days rolling his eyes
"Yeah, she dose that to mess with us mike"Will says getting onto mikes bike
"Ok well are your ready to go?"mike asks
"Yeah come on let's go" Will says wrapping his arms around mikes shoulder
"FUCKING FAGGOTS" a familiar voice yells from afar to the two boys
"fuck Troy." Mike Mubbles and turns around
"What the hell do you want troy!" Mike yells
"Are you and Byers going to your house so you can bang him?" Troy ask walking you to the two boys
"Oh my god the two fairy's a fucking buddy can you imagine that" James laughs
"Why are you imagining that, weirdo" Will says
"What the fuck did you just say fairy! Are you calling me gay, Well I'm Not I kissed and fucked many girls" James yells obviously offended
"I never said you were gay I just said it's weird to imagine that" Will says
"What ever faggot y'all just leave so y'all can fuck each other" James says
"Yeah, yeah whatever bye shit heads" mike mumbles and he peddles of and when peddling off they here Troy yelling a slurs at them
"God there such assholes" mike scoffs peddling to his house
"Yeah they always pick on us" Will rolls his eyes
"Yeah but we're not going to let those assholes ruin our night, we have an amazing night ahead of us" mike says
"Yeah I'm exited!"Will says
"Yup! I rented 3 movies for us to watch!" Mike says
"Wow! Ok tonight's going to be fun" will says
"Hollys probably going to be all over you like last time, last time she dragged you to her room and she drew with you the whole time" mike scoffs
"Hollys so adorable and a fun human being to be around" Will smiles
"Yeah,yeah whatever we're here Byers" mike says getting off his bike
"Ok, ok" will says getting off the bike
"Come on let's go inside, my mom and holly are leaving in 2 hours to take holly trick or treating" mike says
"Omg I want to see her costume! I bet she looks adorable!" Will says walking inside
" she looks hideous" mike snickers following will
"Mike I bet she looks adorable, come on we're is she I want to see her!" Will says with a smile
"Ok, she's probably down in the basement coloring come on" mike wraps his arm around wills neck and they walk down to the basement
"Holly MY best friend is here and he want to see your costume" Mike says to his younger sister who is coloring on the couch
"WILLY" holly squeals jumping of the couch and running to Will to hug him
"Hey holly I missed you" will hugs holly back
"I missed you to, come on let's go draw" holly says tugging wills arm
"Holly wills here to hang out with me idiot, he just wants to see your costume" mike scoffs
"Mike don't me rude she's only 7" will hits mikes arm
"Yeah don't be mean meanie" holly says sticking her tongue out
"Bite me shit head" mike hisses
"Don't cuss at her she's only 7 she doesn't need to be learning cuss words Mike!" Will says
"Holly what's your costume" will changes the subject pointing at holly's costume
"I'm a lady bug" holly smiles
"Aww cute, I like your costume holls" Will smiles
"Thank you Willy!" holly's smiles
"Ok you saw her stuipid costume come on let go to my room!" Mike rolls his eyes
"Nooo! Willy can you draw with me!" Holly whines
"No holly Will is my friend he's here to hang out with me not to babysit your ugly ass" mike scoffs
"Mike quit with the cussing, holly I'll draw with you but only for 30 minutes because Mike and I are supposed to watch a movie!"Will smiles
"Oh my god" mike rolls his eyes
"Can I watch the movie with y'all!" Holly smiles
"Why not!" Holly whines
"Mike be more nicer, and Holly the movie is for big kids I'm sorry but come on let's go draw" Will smiles and holly drags will to the couch and she hands will a yellow crayon and a piece of paper
"This is stupid" mike scoffs and rolls his eyes
"Come on mike it's only for 30 minutes, then we can go to your room and hang but right now I'm hanging out with your sister" Will says
"So stupid you are here to hang with me not holly!"mike whines
"Oh Hush you sound like a baby, here come sit down and you can color to!" Will smiles and pats a spot on the couch next to him
"Will you know I can't draw!" mike says sitting next to Will
"Yeah I know but what else are you going to do for the next 30 minutes?" Will says
"Fine give me a crayon and a paper holy" mike depands
"Say the magic word" holly says
"Yeah fuck that I'm not coloring" mike says leaning into the couch
"Mike you need to stop with the cussing! And come on saying please won't kill you" will says
"It could"
"Fine, holly can I please get a crayon and a paper" mike fake smiles and rolls his eyes
"Ok!" Holly smiles and gives mike a blue crayon and a peace of paper
"Shit head" mike mumbles to where only Will can hear him a Will nudges mike
"What?" Mike says
"Be nice idiot" will says jokingly rolling his eyes
"Whatever hopefully the 30 minutes past by fast" mike scoffs

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-byler
FanfictionWill Byers hates his life mainly because the one he loves most is in love with his sister and he's straight (so he thinks) Mike has also been ignoring Will the whole summer until school starts and he finds out something he would have never expected