Part 32

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February 12th 1988 Thursday

Will, Mike and el we're walking through the halls heading to the cafeteria since sit was lunch time

Will and mike decided to go with the original plan, for mike to publicly fake date El even though he is dating Will

In Will in mikes words you can say things have been perfect really since they both got what they wanted and the two are just living life together 24/7 day and night until Joyce and Jonathan have to break the two apart from one another

Will and mike sit next together at the lunch table Mike had returned to ever since Will and mike got together and el sits on mikes left across from max who is sitting next to Lucas

"Are y'all you going to the valentines dance tomorrow?" Dustin asks placing his lunch tray down on the table and taking a seat and mike a wills eyes brows furrow

"There's a valentines dance tomorrow?!" Will and mike said in syncs

"Yeah, tomorrow at 6, look I got a flyer" max says handing Will and mike a red and pink flyer that Mike and Will read

"Oh shit, are y'all going?" Mike asks

"Yeah I'm going with max" Lucas smiles

"I'm going with this one chick in my science class" Dustin says and mike looks at Will

"Do you want to go?" Mike asks raising an eyebrow

"Mike I would love to it's just that it will blow our cover plus I don't want to go to a dance where my secret date is dancing with his fake girlfriend infront if the whole school and I'm just in a corner alone and jealous because I want to spend time with my boyfriend" will sighs and mike frowns

"Shit, your right" mike sighs

"I mean y'all can go as ' friends' and hang out and el can come by time to time so it won't be suspicious" max suggest and Will and mike look at each other

"What do you think?" Mike asks

"It's an ok idea we just got to be slick and you have to keep your hands to yourself Michael"will jokes and mike looks over at el

"Is this idea ok? Are you ok with this?"Mike asks

"Yeah mike it's fine" el smiles

"Are you sure el because I hate pushing all of this on you, like forcing you to fake date mike just to cover me up even though if you didn't do this you would probably be finding a new relationship but mike and I are holding you back from getting in a new relationship" will says with a tone of guilt

"Will it's fine, I get how important this is to you so I'll do it and I'm not looking for a relationship I'm just focusing on myself I need to figure out life before I get in a relationship because when I first did that, that didn't turn out quite well since I knew nothing about the world or I never met anybody else" el explains with a reassuring smile

"Ok thank you ls your the best" will sighs in relief and el nods

"So do you want to go to the mall today to get us outfits?" Mike asks

" mike I would love to, but I think it's better if we surprise each other with our outfits" Will smirks

"But- but I want to hang out today and I want to match your outfit and I just want to be there with you" mike whines and Will giggles

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now