Part 10

656 14 52

Friday Oct.31st 1987

It was finally 4:45 it has officially been 40 minutes and mike is already over it the past 15 minutes yea just been staring at the wall waiting for time to pass but now the 30 minutes passes and miek can finally get alone time with Will

"Will it's been 30 minutes!! Can we go now" mike whines and he rolls his eyes

"Hold on mike" will says looking at the raved hair boy then he turns to the small little blond girl

"Holly it's been 30 minutes" will says

"Noooo! Willy can we hang out longer!!" Holly whines while pouting her lips

"I'm sorry holly but I'm here to hang out with mike and I've already spent 30 minutes with you and now it's time for me to hang out with mike" Will calmly says

"Ok" Holly sighs

"Well holly me and mike are going up to his room bye holly I'll see you later" Will says while waving goodbye to holly

"Bye Willy"holly waves then she hops of the couch and walks upstairs

"Ok come on let's go in so fucking bored" mike complains

"Yeah I could tell, half the time you were either staring at a wall or at holly and I" will says

"You know I don't like drawing" Mike says

"Yeah but holly dose and she likes hanging out with me mike" Will says

"Yeah but I like hanging out with you also" Mike says

"And we can hang out now! Come on let's go to your room so we can watch one of those movies you rented" Will smiles

"Finally" mike jokingly rolls his eyes

"Whatever mike come on let's go upstairs" will says and he gets off the couch and begins walking upstairs and mike follows


"Ok so what do you want to watch first!" Mike says holding up 3 cds

"Hmmm I'm not sure you pick" will says looking at all the cds and seeing there all horror movies which will hates horror movies but he can't let mike know that

"Ooo let's do this one" mike says holding up a cd

" 'sleep away camp'?" Will gulps

"Yeah Nancy told me she watched this and she said it's scary as shit!" Mike smiles

"U-um ok"

"Let's go make some popcorn I already got sodas and candy in my closet!" Mike says standing up

"Ok!" Will stands up and the two boys walk down to the kitchen


"Ok ok we got two bowls of popcorn, let me get my candy stash" mike says putting down the two bowls full of popcorn on his bed then he heads for his closet and crabs a big basket full of candy and places it on his bed

"Wow that's a lot of candy" Will says sitting down on mikes bed

"Yeah I stole some from Nancy, my dad, and my moms Halloween bowl, I also bought a few bags at the store just for tonight" mike smiles sitting next to Will

"We're probably going to get stomach aches with all this sweets" Will says

"It's fine" mike says playfully rolling his eyes

"I'm ordering pizza as well later on" mike says

"Dang your really going all out for this night?" Will smiles

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now