Part 34

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February 14th 1988

After the dance mike had spent the night at wills house and they talked all night Will could say that last night was a roller coaster


Wills eyes slowly fluttered open by the bright sun light hitting his eyes, when Will had woke up he rubbed his eyes and he looked to the side of him to see mike wasn't next to him

Will sighs thinking mike just went to the restroom so Will sits up and he walks to his closet but he sees a hanger of clothes hanging on the door nob

Will slowly walks up the the outfit and he sees that the outfit looks new and it's quite pretty, it's a reddish pink button up pollo paired with regular khakis and wills regular vans

On the hanger there was also a note on it, Will slowly picked it up and he gently opened it quickly melting at the first sentence

To Will

Hey love!
Sorry I left so early I just wanted to make today perfect since it's Valentine's Day
Please put on the outfit and at 1:30 please meet me at castle Byers I have a surprise (;
See you soon!!

Love ~ Mike<3

Will smiles putting the note aside then grabbing the outfit heading to the restroom to shower and get ready


30 minutes later Will was finally done and he looked clock on his bedside table reading 1:23, once will read the time he quickly runs out the room but before he opens the door his mom stops him

"Ah-ah-ah Will where are you going in such a rush" Joyce says putting her arms on her hips

"Shoot sorry mom, mike told me to meet him at castle Byers, he said he had a surprise or something" will explains

"Right... I forgot he was doing that today" Joyce mumbles and Will raises his eye brows

"What?!" Will asks and Joyce's quickly shakes her head waving her hand around

"-nothing, nothing have fun sweetie, love you" Joyce smiles

"Love you to mom bye" will smiles back before running out the house to castle Byers


Will slowly walks towards castle Byers looking around for mike but he can't spot him and will looks at castle Byers and he immediately melts

Castle Byers was covered in red flower petals and fairy lights

"Aww" will whispers to himself

"You like it?"

Will jumps and he quickly turns around startled

"Oh my god you scared me" will sighs in relief putting his hand on his chest looking at mike who had a black button up paired with blue jeans, his regular converse, and some jewelry will never new mike had

"Wow am I that scary to you" mike jokes smirking and Will laughs hugging mike

"Hi, I missed you this morning, happy Valentine's Day " will smiles

"Hey sorry I had to get something for today" mike says putting his hands in his Jean pockets

"And that something is??" Will asks raising his eyebrows

"My car" mike winks and Will eyes widen

"Your what? Since when did you get a car?" Will asks

"Remember I told you I was getting a car last year because my mom doesn't trust me driving hers? well that didn't work but I got one this morning that's why I left so early" mike smiles

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now