Nov 3rd 1987 4:00
It was after school and will, Mike and el all biked to the hoppers residence
Will opens the front door " we're home!" Will yells
And Joyce's hood up and hugs will and el"Hey kids!! hi Mike it's nice to see you again!" Joyce says with a smile
"Hi Ms. Byers it's nice to see you again" Mike says returning the smile
"Are y'all hungry at all I can wip up for y'all?" Joyce ask and mike and will look at each other
"I'm fine ms Byers thank you though" Mike smiles
"Yeah mom I'm ok for right now thank you, Mike and I are going to head to my room" will says
"Ok baby I love you" Joyce coos as she kisses wills cheek and mike laughs into his hand
"Mommm your embarrassing me" will whines
"Infront of your boyfriend?" Joyce says and wills eyes widen and mike turns red
"W-what?" Mike mumbles
"Mom no he's not my boyfriend he's just my best friend" Will says with a red face
"Ok ok y'all two have fun" Joyce smiles and will grabs mikes arm and quickly pulls him to his room and closes the door
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Will says
"It's ok will" miek says shaking his head
"No it's not you don't like people shipping us since your straight and we're just friends" Will says obviously frustrated
"Will it's fine I swear they just like picking on us probably because we're best friends and your gay" mike says putting his hand on wills shoulder
"Are you sure? Mike because every time when the party ships us you get frustrated" Will asks
"We'll that because it's the party if its older people I don't mind but if it's our friends it's probably just because their fucking with us" mike says sitting down on Will bed
"Oh ok" will says sitting next to mike
"Will?" Mike sighs
"Yeah?" Will says
"How did you find out you were you know.... gay" mike says whispering the last word and wills eyes widen
"Mike are you questioning yourself?" Will ask
"What n-no I just want to know how you found out" mike says
"We'll I never had a crush on I girl I would think girls were pretty but I never liked them but in 3rd grade I had a crush on a dude in my class but I kept a it to myself and in 5th grade I labeled my self privately as gay l Will says
"Who was the dude?" Mike asks
"U-uh no one no one" will says
"Come on Will tell me it your best friend I won't judge" miek says
"I can't because he's now one of my friends and I still have I crush on him " Will mumbles and mike eyes widen
"is it Dustin!" Mike questions
"What! No!" Will says
"Ohh it's Lucas!" Mike says and will shakes his head
"Then who is it that's all our friends!"mike asks and Will stays silent looking at the floor
"Can we just not talk about it" will says standing up
"Will... is it me?" Mike asks a Will gulps and says nothing

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-byler
FanfictionWill Byers hates his life mainly because the one he loves most is in love with his sister and he's straight (so he thinks) Mike has also been ignoring Will the whole summer until school starts and he finds out something he would have never expected