Part 22

378 9 12

Nov 24. 1987 7:30am

It's thanksgiving morning Will woke up quite early and since he has nothing to do he found himself sketching at his desk


"You can come in"will says behind the door and Joyce slowly opens the door

"Hey hon I don't mean to bother but can you please help me with the food?" Joyce asks and will nods

"Yeah of course mom just give me one second and I'll be out"Will smiles

"Ok thank you, I'm gonna go ask el and Jonathan if they can help" Joyce smiles before closing the door
Once Joyce closes the door Will closes his sketchbook and walks to the kitchen


Wheelers residence 10:30am


"Micheal can you grab the door please it's the Byers!!" Karen yells from the kitchen

"Ok" mike yells back walking to the door but before he can open the door he is stopped by his dad

"No fagging around Micheal" Ted says with a serious tone and mike rolls his eyes

"Dad for the millionth time I have a girlfriend and she's coming over today" Mike sighs

"Yeah but I don't want that fairy queen pushing the gay on you again" ted says

"Yeah yeah got it" mike groans and Ted walks back to the living room, mike sighs before he opens the door and he fakes a smile

"Hey it's nice to see y'all again" mike fakes a smile looking at each Byers member and once mike glances at will he feels his neck heating up , mike allows them inside and he close the front door

"Hey mike nice to see you to" Joyce smiles before giving mike a hug

"Happy thanksgiving mike" Joyce smiles still hugging mike, mike gives into the hug and slowly melts into the hug

Mike hates and type of physical touch especially hugs but he can't help but admit that he loves Joyce's hugs the only people that can hug Mike is Joyce, sometimes Nancy, and will

"Happy thanksgiving to you to mrs. Byers" mike smiles releasing from the hug as Joyce runs over to the kitchen to help Karen out

"Hi Mike, happy thanksgiving giving" el smiles

"Hey el happy thanksgiving" mike smiles then he looks over at hopper

"Hey hopper" mike sighs

"Hey kid"hopper smiles before walking to the living room

"Hey Jonathan" mike says and Jonathan waves at him and mike turns his head over will

"Hey will happy thanksgiving" mike smiles not daring to look Will in the eyes

"Happy thanksgiving giving to you to mike" will smiles

"I'm just give me a minute let me go change, y'all can head down to basement if you want

"Ok" el smiles skipping down to the basement as Will follows her down

Mike quickly runs upstairs to his room to pick out a outfit

Shitshitshitshitshit is what all Mike can hear in his head as he looks through his closet

Mike groans putting his hands on his face in stress

I have nothing to wear shit!

Mike quickly walks to Nancy's room and knocks on her door and seconds later Nancy opens the door

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-bylerWhere stories live. Discover now