Dec 3rd 1987
"So can I come after school today?" Max asks before biting into her pizza
"I don't know I don't feel like it" will mumbles
"Will please you need to stop moping, I swear you and Mike are just depressed because you said no to him, why can't y'all just get together y'all know y'all like one another?" Max asks
"Yeah will you've been sad lately and I don't like seeing you like this" el says
"Yeah man why don't you just date him" Dustin says and will groans
"BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO HURT HIM" will blurts but soon enough he noticed what he did and he looks at his friends to see there eyes are wide then he looks around the cafeteria and he sees mostly everyone is looking at him
Even mike
Will groans and he grabs his stuff and he stands up
"Will come on don't leave" max begs but will rolls his eyes and and storms out of the cafeteria
"Holy shit what was that about!" Lucas says looking at mike who has a worried look on his face
"I-I don't know, ima go check up on h-him" Mike says grabbing his stuff
"Are you sure your ready to talk to him Mike?"lucas asks
"no, but I know will and I'm worried about him, plus o know he trust me or I hope he still dose" mike sighs
"Ok well I'm gonna sit with max, ok?" Lucas says and mike nods
"Good luck man" Lucas says before standing up and walking to the table max is sitting at and soon after mike runs out the cafeteria and runs through the hallways to see if he can find Will
"Will!?" Mike yells but there's no response Mike looks through empty classrooms but Will isn't there so Mike runs to the bathroom but Will isn't there
"Shit will we're are you." Mike sighs in defeats and he starts walking back to the cafeteria but when he walks by the janitors closet he hears noise from inside so mike opens the door and there appears and crying will
"Will" Mike sighs in relief and he enters the closet and he closes the door and he just stands there in awkward silence
"What are you doing here" will mutter breaking the silence
"Well I saw what happened in the cafeteria and I got worried, you just cracked and I want to make sure your ok" mike says in a soft tone
"Why do you care" wills scoffs
"Come on Will don't do that" mike says
"Do what" will shrugs
"Don't act like I hate you, don't act like I don't care for you because I do I don't care if we don't talk anymore I will always care for you because I love you will" mike says
"'Love' ha such a stuipid thing" will sighs but mike try's to shake it off
"What happened out there?" Mike asks putting his had on wills cheek wiping off his tears
"Why do you-" Will starts
"Will I want to know because I've never seen you like this before and I care for you and I want you to trust me, now what happened?" Mike cuts off Will and Will sighs in defeat
"Max and the table were saying stuff like 'come on will just get with mike' or ' come on Will why did you say no to mike" will mimicked
"And they just kept saying things like that and I couldn't handle it I just cracked" will sighs
"Oh I did the same thing yesterday, I was telling max and Lucas about what happened but I started crying when I got to the part when we were in castle byers" mike explains
"It just sucks I hate this" will groans
"So do I, i fucking hate this" Mike sighs
"I just wish we can be happy and date and just live our life's together, just spend the rest of my life with the person I love" will sighs
"Me to Will I would literally do anything in the world for us to get together" mike says
"Maybe in the future? Like when we're out of this school, like come on we only got one more year after this, it's really not that long" will says
"Yeah definitely your my soulmate will I know your my forever happy ending, I just wish we can date now but" mike says
"But I don't what us to get hurt" will sighs
"Yeah" Mike nods
"Hug?" Will asks and mike nods hugging Will tightly
Mike finally pulls away and he looks down at Will
"You ready to go back out?" Mike asks
"Yeah I think I'm ready, and thank you mike for being here" will says
"Of course" mike smiles before opening the door and the two walk back to the cafeteria and return to their tables
Mike sits down and Lucas quickly runs to the table and he sits down
"Deats now, did y'all kiss, we're there tears, hugging, what happened I'm literally dying" Lucas begs
"Luca stop, nothing happened will and I are ok he just told me what happened" mike says
"So are y'all good" Lucas asks
"Not sure, we're good but we're definitely not ready to be friends again or have a long conversation we can just talk to eachother about our problems and life I guess I don't know " Mike shrugs
"ohhh ok ok" Lucas nods
"So what are you doing after school?" Lucas asks
"Eh I just want to go home, and be by myself" mike says
"Nope not happening not after yesterday and that one week" Lucas says
"Lucas I'm fine" Mike says
"Yeah you say that but yesterday i literally walked in on you crying and looking at a scratchbook of you and will, mainly pictures of Will" Lucas says
"Fine, what do you want to do today" Mike groans
"Umm I don't know" Lucas shrugs and mike laughs
"Shit well I'll see you 6th period" Lucas says
"Ok bye dude" mike says
"Bye mikeyyy" Lucas jokes and mike rolls his eyes before walking there separate ways

Maybe things aren't half bad after all?-byler
FanfictionWill Byers hates his life mainly because the one he loves most is in love with his sister and he's straight (so he thinks) Mike has also been ignoring Will the whole summer until school starts and he finds out something he would have never expected