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(Author's note: this story will us AI art for the majority of its illustrations so there may definitely be inconsistencies between visuals and the appearances of the characters)

"Hundreds of years ago, a king by the name of Oberon was usurped from his throne by his own wife-to-be, the evil queen, Mab. Stripped of his wealth and authority, Oberon was cast out into the wilderness in the hopes that he would starve and perish. He stumbled through the forest, barely able to fend for himself, growing thirsty and hungry, unable to survive the natural world as a once-pampered king. Near death's door and wondering what he'd done to deserve such injustice, Oberon prayed to those who might listen above, praying for his life to be spared and for the comforts of his kingdom before falling unconscious from malnourishment.

Though he was never a devoted member of the clergy, it seemed as if Oberon's prayers were heeded as he awoke to a beautiful woman who nursed him back to health with her impeccable knowledge of nature. Once she was sure he could take care of himself again, the woman introduced herself as Titania, a woman sent from the realm of the gods, bearing a gift. Titania showed Oberon a branch... a branch from the world tree Yggdrasil. "The gods have imparted this boon unto you to replace what was so cruelly stolen," she said. "But a kingdom is not built in a day. It takes nurturing, patience, and hard work. You must prove that you are capable by taking care of this branch, and it will grow along with your new kingdom." Oberon ignored his confusion and agreed, eager to escape the hell his life had become.

Oberon and Titania planted the branch of Yggdrasil and watered it. Nurtured it. Protected it as it grew. Over time, the branch grew into a tree while a relationship between Oberon and Titania began to blossom. Before long, the two had fallen in love and married beneath the tree. As the tree grew, it altered the nature around it, turning mundane things into magical phenomena and bringing prosperity.

The evil queen Mab, who had gone mad with power, banished all those who opposed her. Titania and Oberon would find each person that Mab abandoned in the wilderness and recruit them into protecting the tree, creating a dedicated village named Hawthorn, and teaching them the ways of nature. Over the years, Oberon's new kingdom grew, and the tree began to alter him and his subjects until they were no longer humans, becoming the first fae. In time, the legend of the fairy tree caught Mab's attention.

Mab saw how Oberon had become happier and wealthier than she. He no longer aged while she grew old. He no longer fell ill while her health faded. Mab's warped sense of entitlement led her to believe that Oberon owed her the luxuries of his new kingdom since they were once engaged, but he refused, having not forgotten her cruelty. Her anger sparked, Mab decided to wage war between their kingdoms.

Mab pillaged and murdered, learning to steal fairy essence to extend her youth, killing thousands. Oberon and the rest of the fae fought back to claim their right to live free in this world, sparking one of the longest wars in history. The war came to a surprising end over sixteen years ago. Oberon was slain, putting an end to the legacy of the fairy king. Titania soon took revenge, putting an end to the reign of the evil queen but mortally wounding herself in the process. Some say she was bearing Oberon's child and that both mother and child perished that day.

But... occasionally, hunters in the woods will catch glimpses of a boy bearing a striking resemblance to fairy king Oberon. Nobody knows if the sightings are real or just apparitions from the fog, but the uncertainty naturally evolved into legend, referring to the elusive child as 'the Nature Boy."

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