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The cold, yet satisfying feel of the gun's barrel against my collarbone, causes me to gasp slightly.

My body lays on his table, like a buffet ready for him to feast on as he watches me closely.

Giddiness, heat, and hunger engulf everything that is my being, as I behold the majesty, the allure that is Jayden van Tonder.

"On my lap, mama," Jayden purrs and taps his thigh.

The dim, ambient light above us, gives the office, and both of us, a risque mood.

I hop off the table, and slowly inch towards him, as I circle it.

The office is plunged into a tense, sensual silence. The only sound being the click of my stilettos against the tile floor.

The sound of Jayden shifting his chair backwards fills the room, and he drags his bottom lip through his teeth.

That glimmer of mischief behind his eyes tells me just what he's about to do.

I ease myself onto his lap, and straddling him, I smirk mischievously.

"What's on the agenda, Mr. Reaper," I inquire.

With a ginger hand slithering up my thigh, Jayden smirks at me and places a hasty peck on my lips.

"I'm pretty sure supper is, Ms. Siren," he teases with a low voice, as he pecks me yet again.

"The hunger for food eludes me, Reaper," I murmur as I bring our chests together.

A smirk adorns his perfect, freckled face, and he plasters his lush lips on mine.

Deep breaths give away just how far this little activity will go, and a burning desire lights up in me.

I adjust myself on his lap, aiming to press our most sensitive areas together through the pesky barriers of clothing.

He shocks me, tugging me impossibly near, as he gently guides me against the length concealed by his navy blue trousers.

My hands find the buttons of his white button down, and my lips find his.

Jayden's chest rumbles with magnificently quiet groans, and his grasp on my hips tightens.

I release his shirt, unable to contain myself any longer.

My hands find the buckle of his leather belt, and hastily rip it off. Jayden chuckles in response, unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers for me.

With just as much haste, his mouth finds the sweet spot on my neck, and sucks gently.

The delicious sensation elicits a dangerously intimate desire in me. One that his dominant nature mightn't grant me the pleasure of fulfilling.

His spidey senses tingle, causing him to retreat and give me a look with suspicion in his hungry, blue eyes.

"What," he murmurs, pecking my lips softly.

"What," I inquire, batting my eyelashes innocently.

"What are you thinking about," he questions, wrapping his arm around my waist.

A subtle pink tint accompanies the heat that finds my face, when I realise I've been caught.

"I- well- I was thinking,"

"Uh huh," he groans as he presses his clothed member against my throbbing core.

"How about I give the whole dom thing a go," I murmur slowly, biting a moan back.

A loud, yet astonished chuckle resounds from deep in his toned chest as the minute rays of the fading sunlight frame him, making hin look angelic.

His piercing eyes find mine, and soften quickly, a smirk playing on his pink lips.

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now