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Logan, dead?
I mean he wasn't exactly the best person towards the end of whatever we were back then, but still. Dead? I never wished death on him.

I wonder if Ouma Lizzie has heard the news. She'll definitely be devastated if she hasn't. He was her son in many ways, because I'm sure as hell Suzanne was just there to look like a pretty mom throughout his life, not to actually raise him.

Whether she had any children of her own is a mystery, because she never talked about her own life back then. Maybe she never had children of her own, which is why she doted on us so much. She has always been so lively and energetic, that could explain it.

Losing a child is not an easy thing to go through, I know that from personal experience, so I can imagine her losing one that wasn't even hers that she raised for so many years.

Suddenly, I am snapped back into reality in this pharmacy that I practically forced Uncle Jim to accompany me to, when he speaks up.

"I honestly don't know why you brought me here, and not your boyfriend," he huffs as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Pardon," I ask automatically as I focus on him.

"Oh because I wanted to do this on my own so I can surprise him at a later stage," I answer him just as he begins to repeat his words.

"Alright, little girl," he exhales as he looks at my basket.
"Still I don't think you need six of them. I'm sure one with two little lines is enough."

"I just want to be sure, uncle Jim," I sigh as I give him a look of concern.
"We haven't exactly been careful and I had completely forgotten that I had my IUD taken out when I found out I was pregnant, but I had waited too long back then and I think that may have contributed to us losing the baby. But now I might be pregnant again and I don't even know what to tell Jay because we're not on the best terms and-" I ramble on as I begin to panic slightly.

"Nandi, Nandi," Uncle Jim coos as he pulls me into a hug and gently caresses my upper back.
"It's going to be okay. No matter what it says, it's going to be okay. You've got so many people that love you and want to support you, Jayden included. Besides you take one of these every three seconds, it's not healthy."

"It's okay to be scared. To cry. To panic. To scream. Maybe not in public, but it is okay," he chuckles as he pulls out of the hug to look at me.
"If you are expecting a little miracle, you need to embrace it and take care of yourself as much as possible, for their sake. Okay?"

"Okay," I bring out weakly.
"I'm just scared that I might lose another baby. If that happens Jayden would've lost three babies at twenty six, me, two at twenty four."

"I know it's scary, trust me IVF and surrogacy aren't as glamorous and easy as some make it seem," he huffs out a laugh filled with so much emotion yet so simple and quiet.
"But I want you to focus on what you have right now. It's hard not to think about the future especially with a child, but I can't have you stressing. It's not good for the baby."

"You're speaking as if I am pregnant," I giggle quietly as tears glisten in my eyes.

"I mean it's very likely, Siren," he chuckles awkwardly.
"You two aren't exactly quiet, so everyone knows when you are... Well... Practicing, making a baby."

"Oh my g*d," A horror-stricken gasping sound shoots from my mouth.
"I'm so sorry."

"Uhm-yea... No problem," Again he chuckles awkwardly.
"Let's go pay for these before you take more. There is no queue yet, because normal people are still sleeping, and we can pass by that McDonald's on the way back. Get some breakfast for our hubbies"

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