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He's acting strange.

I don't know why but for the past week he's definitely been quieter and a lot more smiley.
I've caught him in the act more times than I can count now.

"What's going on with you," I question as he walks into the room.

"What do you mean," he inquires absentmindedly as he practically skips towards me, throwing himself in bed next to me.

I take a second to collect myself and my thoughts before I let spill what I've been thinking for a bit since this week started.

"Are you taking drugs, Jayden," I blurt the question out quickly. The words like tar on my tongue.

"Excuse me," he spits the question out just as quickly.
"Why would you think I'm on drugs, baby?"

A frustrated sigh escapes me as I collect myself again.
"You've been pretty normal since we came to Mpumalanga, but now suddenly you're walking around like you won the lottery," I explain slowly.
"Ever since that call with my parents, you've been happier?"

"You say that like me being happy is a bad thing," he gives me an incredulous glance as he kicks his feet up onto an extra pillow.

"Of course I'm happy that you are happy, Jay," I scoff at his words.
"It's just so sudden and I don't even know where this is coming from."

"I'm finally getting to do something I've been thinking of doing for a long time," he responds airily.
"I'm happy that the ball is finally rolling, and our future seems more secure now."

A genuine grin captures my lips as I climb onto him, cuddling as close as possible to his bare chested self.
"Is that so," I ask quietly.
"You're happy we're finally making moves to leave this world?"

"Of course my love," he breathes after a moment. Too long of a moment. But I'll accept his response for now.
We need to get ready to go have dinner at another restaurant Jayden found today.

This is going to be our fourth date this week. He really has made an effort to take me out on dates ever since I pretty much complained about not being able to go on any.

He took me to the falls two days after our debrief with my parents. We bought so many souvenirs and keepsakes from the gift stores nearby, they could probably have a storage of their own.

The next day we went to watch a movie before eating some street foods and having a walk around the area.

The night after we had a picnic under the stars, stuffing our faces with all sorts of junk. Pizza, hot wings and fries being our favourite sort.

Today we were on our, now daily, walk when he told him there was a posh restaurant he found, that he wanted to try tonight.
Loving the initiative, of course I agreed.

"So where is this posh restaurant we're going to," I ask quietly as I look up at him through my sleep ridden eyes.
I've been getting more and more tired and taking more and more naps, which also means more and more snuggles.

"You'll see," he murmurs as he gives me an Eskimo kiss.
"Just get dolled up and ready for me."

"Okay can I go shower then," I ask with a snicker as I try to pry his hands off me.

"Wait," he mutters holding me closer than before, and then releasing me after a good second.
"Okay, go get ready, mama."


I have no idea what Kiara and Kayleigh were talking about, I don't look chubby at all. I mean I can definitely tell that I've gained weight but I'm still a ways away from being considered chubby.

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now